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Runnah5555 t1_jc7rxuz wrote

It’s almost as if a deregulated utility is bad for the customers!?!?


6byfour t1_jc9tz79 wrote

Deregulation in the utility industry means that supply can be bid competitively, separate from delivery. I’m currently saving $.09/ kWh this way.

How is this bad?

Which part of deregulation has hurt you here?


6byfour t1_jca3n4m wrote

The issues raised in the report are well known.

I’m failing to see the connection between that and the issue you replied to.

CMP did not create and does not operate Maine’s competitive market. It’s better for them if it’s a thriving market that helps consumers but they really have nothing to do with it. Competitive suppliers are competing with a price the system sets, not CMP.

Not seeing your point.


Sea_Meaning8589 t1_jca4d4e wrote

Sigh. Your comment was that 'Deregulation in the utility industry means that supply can be bid competitively' and the report points out that that has approach has not worked for consumers. So, when you ask 'Which part of deregulation has hurt you here?' the answer is 'the whole deregulation part.'


6byfour t1_jcadt2w wrote

I didn’t say it was helping consumers. Consumers get screwed because they don’t pay attention, and that has zero to do with CMP. That said I don’t see how it is hurting them in the context where you said it.

If you said your car had a flat and I said, “SEE? Competitive supply!” And rubbed my beard, you’d look at me funny.

I’m looking at you funny, because the existence of a deregulated supply market has exactly nothing to do with CMP buying ads, which is the topic you responded to and a bunch of people upvoted.