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Supabee78 t1_jcbinuf wrote

So here is my final word. I don’t trust CMP at all. They are fighting to make everyone think it is a bad idea. They are spending millions on ad campaigns to tell you so. They offer high prices to just deliver the energy. Whenever someone that has been proven to be shitty all of a sudden is trying to show you how bad the fix is, there is a reason. Over the years it was done by tobacco with cancer and the oil/gas industry when it came to lead. So I will go with the other team because the status quo isn’t working.


Solar_Saves t1_jcbmx4j wrote

My final word is that the writers of this initiative have given nothing to go on, for us to trust. But say “trust us to do this”… We’ll put company management out to bid… they aren’t even saying that it will save customers money.

Who are they, what’s their experience doing this, how much money will they make if this passes? How can one trust in an unknown entity and undefined process, with unknown costs and outcomes? Co-ops can be as badly managed as any corporate entity, and they don’t tell us who or how they will manage a CMP Co-op, or how much it will cost us.