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Frequent-Mail8262 t1_jdpoe55 wrote

You should go to a “sticker station” and get an inspection even if you know you will fail if you at least have a recent document showing you attempted and then say you need to make an appointment to get it fixed or get an actual appointment for as far out as you can so when you do get pulled over you at least have that and may be able to avoid a ticket. If your registration was not current over 6 months maine can tow car and arrest you…. Are your plates/registration current at least? Are you insured? Those two things are a must.


OkamiGoddess23 OP t1_jdpojdl wrote

Registered and insured, it’ll only be three months expired when I go. I’ll try to make an appointment in the morning


Frequent-Mail8262 t1_jdppane wrote

Not sure where you are located but these two places here in Maine do Free Maine State inspections so you can save the fee. Small fee perhaps but adds up.

Try Dan The Man No Credit Tire Financing and find someone to put on and mount for you.

Happy to look up more local To you places if needed.