Submitted by Cold-Shopping-1758 t3_123ogeq in Maine
BackItUpWithLinks t1_jdvi4m1 wrote
It’s clearly not real.
dogmom603 t1_jdvkxbs wrote
Tradition in construction. “Topping out” signifies a project has reached its full height.
[deleted] t1_jdvl8k7 wrote
Cold-Shopping-1758 OP t1_jdvlte5 wrote
That was quick. I wish people in Rhode Island were this helpful. Thanks for clearing my confusion.
Tacticalaxel t1_jdvmycs wrote
It predates iron work by a 1000 years
[deleted] t1_jdvn0m7 wrote
TruthintheBones t1_jdvnu82 wrote
After complaints from residents about the unsightliness of the towers, measures were taken to blend the structure into the natural environment. /s
bor-harbar t1_jdvotc8 wrote
this is art.
MrLeeman123 t1_jdvs8d5 wrote
Been there my whole life. The guy that owns that place just likes Christmas I think.
turd_sculptor t1_jdvv6u5 wrote
Beauty is indeed in the eye of the beholder.
Mainah888 t1_jdvvuqf wrote
For the same reason there is one on top of the #11 crane right now at BIW.
They are only lit during Christmas. But safer to leave it up all year long. Locals don't even notice them anymore except during Christmas at night when they are lit up.
Admiral_sloth94 t1_jdw44jk wrote
I mean you could volunteer to lug the tree up there every year and then take it down a few weeks later. /S
mydogcecil t1_jdw4zdv wrote
You can actually call them and ask.
DidDunMegasploded t1_jdw5l0n wrote
That wasn't the answer I was expecting, but damn was it a good one either way.
[deleted] t1_jdwf498 wrote
EconomicsNo7090 t1_jdwgo8w wrote
They light it up in this winter time for Christmas been doing it since the 80s maybe even before but I was too young
Standsaboxer t1_jdwi420 wrote
I grew up in Topsham and never heard this story. I always thought it was just a noticeable spot to put a Christmas tree.
spellyourname t1_jdwk8hw wrote
It's always there, lit up at Christmas. Enjoy your Wendy's.
thrownaway_me t1_jdwkqul wrote
Citation please. I never heard this tale of the Crooker family.
slothscantswim t1_jdxa0sx wrote
They put it up for Christmas, and just haven’t taken it down
Sufficient-Squash428 t1_jdxarq5 wrote
Saint Nicholas all year : )
gatsby_101 t1_jdxhbva wrote
Yea, this sounds highly apocryphal – particularly coming from someone who reports having lived in-state for only a couple years. Fun story though.
home-for-good t1_jdxmttv wrote
Been there for the last decade or so at least
cerebralailment t1_jdxn11v wrote
Its actually a prop from the World War II Era - they used it to help disguise the towers from raiding Japanese bombers.
PencillCat t1_jdxp3a2 wrote
I like how most of the answers here are different yet equally plausible
Seppdizzle t1_jdxtdgh wrote
Sir, this is an Arby's.
vsanna t1_jdxu471 wrote
Everything flows downstream no matter where you put it.
WWEHlSTORlAN t1_jdxyd42 wrote
Jesus, you still holding on to that crappiest town thing (which was a joke)
pearithead t1_jdy51yq wrote
Great. Now everyone will see it.
pepperjill t1_jdy5fgf wrote
We just drove by there and my Husband asked me what the hell that tree was doing up there.
GrowFreeFood t1_jdy5ix7 wrote
It's to test air quality. If it starts to wilt they need to turn down the burner.
SheSellsSeaShells967 t1_jdy7xof wrote
I had totally forgotten about that tree. Been there since at least the early 90s.
Alternative_Sort_404 t1_jdyd8xw wrote
Post and beam, baby!
ashlyn42 t1_jdydlj2 wrote
Not the comment OP but I actually heard a version of this story (not sure about the drugs or the parents), and one about the little white church on Old Bath Rd about Crooker when he was being honored at an annual Southern MidCoast Maine Chamber event at the Taste of Maine around 2010/2012
Supposedly the church on Old Bath Rd was the church where Crooker met his wife, and when he heard it was being torn down, he bought the building, took it apart and had it rebuilt where it currently stands, so that that memory/place could live on.
succession1234 t1_jdykw6m wrote
Christmas tree forgotten to take down?
dannoGB68 t1_jdyn85n wrote
Look at the logo for this sub, then look at the tree. Coincidence?
tbone985 t1_jdzv28b wrote
This is that same intersection where there’s something like seven signs saying you can’t turn right on red. Hard to tell the cop you didn’t see the sign.
Antnee83 t1_jdzvhca wrote
It's a pretty arbitrary "no right on red" though.
spellyourname t1_je02y7u wrote
Nah that's the other side of the street!
CountryBoy72 t1_je040s1 wrote
It's a Xmas tree. They put it up there with a crane, and normally take it down in the spring when they fire the paving plant up. Those silos hold hottop
Seppdizzle t1_je048i3 wrote
You're absolutely right lol, whoops
Sezu1701 t1_je05amj wrote
Well, it IS the pine tree state.
momsequitur t1_je07d17 wrote
I thought I was hungry enough to eat Arby's one time, traveling home to Portland from my in-laws' in Rumford/Dixfield after a family holiday. My husband still tells the story of me biting into a sandwich and asking, dismayed, "People eat this? On purpose?" He doesn't include that I continued, "It tastes like I already threw up!"
CountryBoy72 t1_je0jwfc wrote
And they were going to build an entire Road to get to it, to keep the trucks off 196
[deleted] t1_je0lz8p wrote
CountryBoy72 t1_je0nzh7 wrote
Typical NIMBY
ppitm t1_je0o3yd wrote
They should build another one across the street to hide the shopping center from view.
A_Common_Loon t1_je30ity wrote
Why not?
John_Yossarian t1_je83hao wrote
There are a lot of reasons to do that in an intersection. For this one, I'd imagine it's because the traffic from 196 on the left is coming down a hill, and if you turn right out of Topsham Fair Mall Road, you're immediately heading uphill and accelerating slowly, so it could cause traffic issues or accidents.
WWEHlSTORlAN t1_jdvgzyz wrote
The owner of that quarry had parents who were heavily addicted to illicit drugs. He never had a good Christmas so he puts that Christmas tree up and leaves it there year round to remind all the children of Maine, who may share a similar upbringing, that there is hope on the horizon.