Submitted by IamSauerKraut t3_11h15ku in Maine

Drek only gets one year. That seems a bit of a gift to a rapist. Yes, I said rapist. No man well into his 40's has a "sexual relationship" with a 14 or 15 y.o. Shame on the KJ reporter who framed the rape in such terms. And shame on the unnamed prosecutors for agreeing to such a plea deal. Tyler should have gotten the 30 years. Meaghan Maloney is clearly not up to the task.



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SheSellsSeaShells967 t1_jarqn3s wrote

I lost all respect for Meagan Maloney when she threw a domestic violence victim in jail because the woman was scared and didn’t want to testify anymore.


weakenedstrain t1_jarv4rn wrote

Another gross sex crime, another religious perpetrator.

No drag queens in sight.


IamSauerKraut OP t1_jarvtrr wrote

I see in a Winthrop kidnapping/rape case, she advocated the defendant serve time on numerous charges concurrently and only for 9 months after her office failed to follow up with police on evidence. Following up is part of her job in prepping a case for trial but she leaves it that it only the PD's fault. Rapist gets out in what, 8 months?, for what he did to that woman?? She is convincing me that she may be incompetent.


ClioEclipsed t1_jas2nuh wrote

Maine has always been a haven for rapists and sexual abusers, especially of children.


CarlHungus2 t1_jas7ij3 wrote

Never met one who did. But that's what you get when people blindly follow allegory about how the sun moves during the year.


thenamewastaken t1_jas9es8 wrote

Most of them (the voters) will never hear about it. The right wing "news" networks won't report on things like this. When stuff like this comes up theses networks double down on the current bogyman to distract from reality. Those networks have been telling them for years that all other "main stream media" is fake so they won't bother to go looking. It's very depressing and exhausting.


MosskeepForest t1_jast11v wrote

At what point do we start banning these sickos from polite society?

They fight DECADES long wars to try and force LGBT people into hiding and scream seeing a trans person is "inappropriate for children".... all while they perpetrate the worse crimes against humanity.

We need to take a page from their book and fight back and get them out of our schools and sight. They should be shamed into the darkest corners of society.... not "proudly" strutting around preaching their sick perverted views on what and what isn't "moral".


HumpSlackWails t1_jattfxu wrote

Lots of reasons folks like living rural where there's fewer eyes to pry. Sometimes its general privacy.

Sometimes you run the Elan School.


Sometimes you're a member of the community and your values line up with the Elan School.

Sometimes you're a white supremacist piece of shit who bought some land up state that fucks his sister.