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ppitm t1_jcm3fgs wrote

Yes but the seals will drag you into the water and eat your face.


MakingItUpAsWeGoOk t1_jcmau9a wrote

Unless you are there for something you are doing at Downeast Institute, there is not a lot at all to do. You’ll have to entertain yourself. Having spent summers growing up nearby I can assure you that there is a normal amount of thunderstorms for Downeast Maine. The months you mentioned are the nicest ones weather wise.


steelymouthtrout t1_jcmf9kv wrote

There is nothing. Jonesport, also nothing. If you like kicking around very coastal rocky areas with nothing to do, that's Beals and Jonesport. The bridge between them is very cool. There was a campground in jonesport that might be a little more interesting for you. If you have a kayak or that type of thing this would be a perfect area to do that. But the beauty is unmatched. The air is splendid it gets very foggy though. It's a very unique down east experience. Isolated and quirky but in a good way.


geaibleu t1_jcmz2wn wrote

I'm living at the moment near Jonesport and go to Beals regularly. Waas preserve has about 8-10 miles of trails and it doesn't get busy, even in summer. Maybe 2-3 people who were there this winter judging by footprints. Part of trail goes along rocky shore. It's a quiet place. Clamming, fishing, kayaking, hiking. I think there is bar in Jonesport over the bridge. No thunder yet since last year.