PaywallHelperBotv2 t1_jc5wxlz wrote
Link for those who need help getting over a paywall
lucidlilacdream t1_jc6dohx wrote
Just put the extra money towards helping people with housing. This is the biggest issue and everyone knows it. It’s not that hard.
metalandmeeples t1_jc6efgt wrote
Seriously. Either that or a giant flagpole.
lucidlilacdream t1_jc6f47e wrote
Oh yeah, obviously the flag pole, duh 🙄
metalandmeeples t1_jc6gb66 wrote
Just picture it! An omnidirectional loudspeaker at the top blasting The Star Spangled Banner on repeat. We'll be able to pay farm hand salaries to pick the crops and feed all of the hungry!
[deleted] t1_jc6gl7j wrote
It’s to collect interest
janetsabortedbaby t1_jcerg4v wrote
Housing was a non issue 3 years ago build a fuckin wall instead
DrMcMeow OP t1_jc5w21n wrote
Maine’s eight largest counties, plus the cities of Portland, Lewiston, Bangor, South Portland and Auburn, had only spent or finalized plans to spend about $84 million out of $318 million in aid, according to the latest available federal data through the end of September.
The relatively slow rollout of federal stimulus money in Maine underscores the disagreement among local officials about how to spend it. Maine counties have fewer responsibilities than others across the country, yet they got the same shares of money. Some of them had to stand up unfamiliar regional processes to allocate aid that will run for the next year or two.
About a third of committed funds in these Maine communities so far went toward government services. The major projects in that category included a $9.5 million Cumberland County office building in Portland, $5.3 million for broadband expansion in Hancock County and $4.6 million for a new Androscoggin County sheriff’s office in Auburn.
At the end of last year, Maine towns, cities and counties had set aside 8.9 percent of the funds so far committed in the state toward hazard pay for their employees, more than the region and country, which each had 3.5 percent.
A larger share in these places has also gone to premium pay bonuses for public employees and nonprofits than in the rest of New England and the country. For example, York County is sending $1.5 million to a Biddeford mental health service provider to open another location.
Last November, Bangor City Manager Debbie Laurie told the Bangor Daily News that the city was planning to move deliberately. It had not spent any money as of September but has since laid out a rough budget and committed $2 million to a YMCA expansion.
Pillsbury said she hopes local leaders will find ways to spend the rest of the money on new projects that will help benefit their communities. In particular, she said the communities need to focus on areas that will help people recover and rebuild from the pandemic.