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bluestargreentree t1_jb0s006 wrote

I don’t mind shoveling a few times to even out the load. Shoveling a foot of heavy snow is how I mess up my back until the 4th of July


bodybycheez-it t1_jb0tyfx wrote

For the drive way, my process is to clear it early in the am, after the sun has risen. The dark asphalt absorbs and radiates heat back, melting new snow. Every couple of hours, spend a couple of minutes to keep it maintained. Science!


YolksOnU t1_jb0yhdd wrote

All relative to the size of your tractor.


Reckless85 t1_jb0z194 wrote

Always have to go back out and redo the end of the driveway because the snowplow drives by 5 min after I've taken off my boots and snowpants. Always.


cwalton505 t1_jb11ppk wrote

That's pretty easy to do each storm.... just wait for it to stop snowing and see the radar is clear.


pearithead t1_jb16q8e wrote

As a southern Maine resident (don't dare say Mainah) by way of Atl, I must say this is my goal every time. Thank you for sharing!


adambair t1_jb1a4o7 wrote

AWD + Salt is how I’ve done my driveway the past few years. I shovel a little but mostly salt, awd, and patience haha


DidDunMegasploded t1_jb1a72v wrote

We went out at around 3. Light snow, no wind. Driveway looks nice. Heavy snow can eat a planet of dicks, though...very hard to shovel.

Hopefully it'll melt a significant amount today.


hoowahman t1_jb1ajex wrote

Lol yea I did exactly that at 2pm yesterday


Sulla5485 t1_jb1bsee wrote

You shovel? I just give it 2 days to melt 🤣


Hefty_Musician2402 t1_jb1gs9c wrote

Lol my dad plowed the driveway once early morning, we plowed it again later in the day, and then in the evening bc we use an ATV and a side by side. Had to roof rake the garage twice so it doesn’t cave in (it’s already bowed pretty bad) and did the neighbors house twice. Only shoveled the deck and dog pen once tho. Got my workout for sure


Zephyr4813 t1_jb1hbvl wrote

My absolute unit of a snowblower did it all in one run


GoodDecision t1_jb1nu5a wrote

This was probably the heaviest snow I've ever had to deal with. Almost slush, but with the bulk of actual snow. It kept going at a good clip until about 4-5pm in my area.

Shoveled around noon because it looked like it was winding down. Glad I did in the end, if I had waited till 5 to one-shot it I'd be in a world of pain today.


rdstrmfblynch79 t1_jb1pa3m wrote

I am totally with you on this. I snowblowed around noon-thirty and didn't have to again. Unfortunately my neighbors with northeast facing driveways did not have the same luxury. Yesterday afternoon while it was still coming down I noticed a little sun trying to break through the clouds and my driveway just melted like crazy. They were like, wait, you never went back out, how is it shoveled?


Tradesby t1_jb2253n wrote

This right here. I was so pissed this morning after the snow plow decided at 3 am to widen the road a little more and blocked up my driveway with chunks of ice. All that work for nothing.


Fitz2001 t1_jb24e12 wrote

I’d rather shovel 4 inches three times than 12 inches once.


RelativeMotion1 t1_jb2daaj wrote

Yep. Snowblower is key. My driveway would take me a few hours to shovel, and that’s valuable skiing time!

Plus a decent Ariens blower is like $1200 and lasts 10+ years; cheaper than a plow guy (plus no lawn damage), and cheaper than your hospital/chiropractor/specialist visit from blowing your back out on the plow line.


ecco-domenica t1_jb2hgdn wrote

Well it wasn't for nothing. If you hadn't done it at all, it would have been that much harder to do it all in addition to the inevitable chunks of ice that always come at the end regardless.


seasonoftruth22 t1_jb2v38i wrote

Shoveling multiple times is really the same amount of work. I have a neighbor who gets rid of the heater banks for me...I shovel a space for 4 cars and paths to many animals.


Meoldudum t1_jb3kgq9 wrote

At 40 degrees I can back up and stop short and the snow slides off my car.


jb_run29 t1_jb4ph1z wrote

Honestly felt nice to plow and shovel snow that wasn’t snow and slush shit. Plowed so smooth