mainebringstheheat t1_jd4vih7 wrote
Pretty sure the implied warranty doesn't cover vehicles!
Also, 3 years or 36k miles means whatever hits first! Even when you brought it in back in November it was still out of warranty!
[deleted] OP t1_jd4vyol wrote
ZingZongZaddy t1_jd4w5zb wrote
Lemon Law. It will be a battle but you can get the car fixed/replaced (they buy current vehicle back from you, you buy another). I know someone who had to do the same thing for the same reason.
mainebringstheheat t1_jd4wcsp wrote
It's except new or used vehicles! "Maine has a four-year implied warranty law on all products, except cars, new or used, that are sold in the state of Maine."
Again, even if so, it was past the 4 years even back in November! It's a crappy situation but I really don't think there's much you can do!
[deleted] OP t1_jd4wtrk wrote
[deleted] OP t1_jd4y5q3 wrote
alpha417 t1_jd54j2n wrote
magnussen moss act if it's beyond 18 mos.
done it on the last 3 cars.
16PennyNailedit t1_jd58sqn wrote
Let us know how you make out. I had the same issue with a Camry a bit older than yours. I bought it private sale. Ended up replacing the seals in the brake lights. Re sealed all the windows. Replaced all the plugs. Tore trunk apart and sealed everything I could. Had the a/c lines flushed out. Checked the wheel wells. Made a couple other small adjustments. Still every time it rained my rear drivers side floor board would be saturated. Had to shop vac it out all the time and air it out. It was a huge pain in the ass. Other than that the car was amazing. But mold and rust from the inside out was going to be an issue. No body shop wanted to touch it. So I just ended up trading it in. Fully disclosed the problem to the dealer and told them why I was getting rid of it. I still got almost what I paid for it. They just sent it to auction I guess. I hope you figure things out.
IWASRUNNING91 t1_jd4v7x6 wrote
Let me preface by saying I have no clue, which I will follow up with this fact: Maine has been known to have some pretty decent consumer laws. You should look into it and if you're getting dicked around hard enough you should look into contacting the Maine AG.