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shopgirl56 t1_je2if5s wrote

No buddy - that is a stern man - captains do fine - and they never stop complaining all the way to the bank...


SeawolfGaming t1_je2iny9 wrote

I live in a damn fishing town. I would fuckin know. You however don't know shit.


swellmasterswell t1_je2j8vw wrote

Your speaking facts. I know 100’s of lobsterman and I don’t know any lobsterman with a $100k truck.


shopgirl56 t1_je2jegc wrote

Well there are exceptions for bad fishermen, lol


SeawolfGaming t1_je2kdm2 wrote

Stonington, is the highest catching lobstering town in the whole fucking USA. No captains or sternmen here have new trucks.