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Itskialikethecar t1_jbebyol wrote

There’s teachers in RSU40 that make over 100k a year.


SAMBDestroys t1_jbevdwj wrote

Maybe with coaching, and clubs, and a shit ton of extra duties, but no teacher is making even close to a base 100k salary in RSU-40.


Itskialikethecar t1_jbfyeqt wrote


bigspoutwhale867 t1_jbn5fjl wrote

Your sheet includes Salary and Benefits. I believe that means total district cost (health insurance, etc) and not just what the employee is paid


Itskialikethecar t1_jbfzjsw wrote

And you can click this link to read everything in its entirety.


SAMBDestroys t1_jbg1fos wrote

I showed you their school board approved 21-24 collective bargaining numbers. The salaries you showed me were proposed but not necessarily approved. If someone in RSU-40 is making that kind of money, they have a doctorate and we’ll over 24 years of experience. They're still underpaid.

Edit: I said 22-23. It's actually 21-24.


Itskialikethecar t1_jbg20tf wrote

Several teachers confirmed that’s what they get paid. That’s their budget. I live in the district. Spoke to staff members.


Squidworth89 t1_jbec4yc wrote

And it prolly took them 30 years to get there. Which is another joke.


Shilo788 t1_jbg6i13 wrote

That's good, hope more salaries increase. Pay them as professionals and then demand good performance. They live local, so money stays in the local economy, pay people what they are worth. The various workers I dealt with were competent so I pay for that. Maines salaries need to catch up some to the cost of housing. Flowing money into an area via education where teachers, support staff, janitors, bus drivers .ears it all stays local, I see that as opposite of zero sum. It primes the pump some. Tax dollars that come back to the district or county really make a difference in quality of life in an area. I am a woodsy loner and yet admit that.