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siebzy t1_jdwc2bw wrote

Are these restrictions in the deed to the property?


Lfcfan2187 OP t1_jdwclz2 wrote

Yup, tied to the deed


siebzy t1_jdwkwmr wrote

Interested in what shakes out here, as my family also has a property with a deed restriction that my father believes will prevent us from building an ADU despite the recent state law overriding the existing municipal code restrictions.


King_O_Walpole t1_jdwm5xv wrote

The whole ADU is a cluster pie for sure!!

I’m on my local planning board re-writing some ordinances to comply with state law.

Interesting enough it’s not as bad as it looks at first, it’s mostly dealing with housing density.

Hopefully they pass an amendment that LD2003 will only impact towns with less than 10,000 population