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Antnee83 t1_jdzw3rk wrote

Reply to comment by Guygan in Land covenants by Lfcfan2187

I've been down that path myself.

Each municipality can have it's own rules, and typically if they don't spell it out, they refer to state code which is incredibly vague.


Guygan t1_jdzztaz wrote

Municipal rules don’t have much to do with interpretation of a deed restriction.


Antnee83 t1_je022tr wrote

If simply "livestock" is referenced, then I bet it does. Because the definition of "livestock" in Maine is not at all clear. That's what I'm getting at. Each municipality defines it differently.


Guygan t1_je02t4m wrote

The town’s definition of livestock is kinda irrelevant to this.

Source: real estate attorney.


Antnee83 t1_je02xwx wrote

Funny, I was gonna tack on "ain't you a damn lawyer?"

But isn't the deed registered with the town?


Guygan t1_je0meom wrote

Not “registered” but rather filed at the County registry of deeds for “notice” purposes.