Submitted by Cassh0le3 t3_122bxmo in Maine

Hey there, I from eastern Canada and looking to make the drive down to do some across border shopping. Could folks give me some advice on the main shopping centres?

Thanks for your time!



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cmcrich t1_jdpoznl wrote

How far down will you be going? South Portland has the Maine Mall, plus a lot of other stores around it. Then there’s Freeport, of course, with LL Bean and lots of other outlets. Augusta also has some pretty good shopping. I’m not too familiar with anything further north of there.


Lieutenant_Joe t1_jdqc5yg wrote

Used to be that canucks from the maritimes would always go to the Bangor Mall or elsewhere in Bangor, but the mall is rapidly becoming a ghost town. If you’re okay with adding 2+ hours (one way) to your trip, then you can go to Freeport for clothes, the Old Port in Portland for antiques and doodads, and the South Portland Mall for literally everything except groceries. If you’re not cool doing that, downtown Bangor is like the Old Port. Just smaller.

If you go to Freeport for outdoor wear, don’t buy the boot that looks like the giant one outside the big L.L. bean building. The design hasn’t been updated in like 70 years.


truththeavengerfish t1_jdqejnv wrote

The outlets in Freeport and Kittery seem like just more retail stores now. I read that a lot of places just manufacture substandard merch specifically for their outlets. I’ll usually grab a few things at the LLBean outlet and from the clearance shoe wall at Nike, maybe something at KTP but that’s about it. I guess a person needs to consistently troll these places for best results. Anything I’m missing? Anywhere you can recommend?


hike_me t1_jdqjlnz wrote

Canadians used to come by the bus load to shop at the Bangor Mall and at the nearby plaza with Kohls and Old Navy. the Bangor Mall is a ghost town now. I’d go to the outlets in Freeport and the Maine Mail in South Portland if you’re planning a shopping trip to Maine.


Henbogle t1_jdqkjw5 wrote

The internet has killed off the shopping north of Augusta. You might be better off looking to Vermont or New Hampster


baxterstate t1_jdqpqv4 wrote

Look for a Renys. There are real deals to be had there AND they carry quality merchandise like Carhartt and Pendleton. They also have close outs. I bought a bunch of Woolrich flannel shirts before Woolrich went out of business. If you see an Ocean State Job Lot, try it out. If you go to Southern Maine, check out Cabelas and Kittery Trading Post.

If you like power tools, check out Home Depot and Lowe’s. When they put something on clearance, they frequently drop the price to below what they paid for it.


MainelyKahnt t1_jdqwn33 wrote

Calais has outlets and is right on the new Brunswick border


hike_me t1_jdr1305 wrote

I literally saw a bus load of Canadian shoppers stop at the Hannaford in Brewer while I was grocery shopping one time.

Before the mall really went to hell, there would be multiple bus tours of shoppers from Canada in Bangor every week. Some would actually make a stop at a grocery store.


almirbhflfc t1_jdr42y4 wrote

I'm a fellow Canadian living in Maine now. Reny's, Mardens, Ocean State Job Lot are all excellent. Bangor is a couple hours from the border and you can get good shopping there, but the mall sucks. They have an LL Bean outlet too, Kohls will have great deals, Target is solid. The the top 3 are Mardens, Ocean State Job Lot and Reny's


InfamousCelery4438 t1_jdschei wrote

Burlington has a store in Bangor, if it's still open. S. Portland too. I like taking a quick spin through there because you can get linens and tablecloths, Macy's equivalent of quilts and comforters, for decent prices. I still have one lightweight quilt that's just over 10 years old, in good shape.