Trying out Maine’s Implied Warranty Law, denied from manufacturer. Checking with the seller before I contact the attorney general!
Submitted by FlappyKillmore t3_11vpxrg in Maine
Reply to comment by fffangold in Trying out Maine’s Implied Warranty Law, denied from manufacturer. Checking with the seller before I contact the attorney general! by FlappyKillmore
"... or the expected lifetime of the product.."
I just replaced a 40 year old coffee maker and have zero expectations that the replacement will not last nearly as long. Cuz they don't make things like they used to.
I wish the OP good luck but they are wasting taxpayer resources.
That isn't the argument. The argument is the product will last a reasonable amount of time, not the same amount of time as another product.
Maine law says that is at least four years in most cases (or at least provides protection for that long.) OP isn't wasting taxpayer resources - they are asking for something they are entitled to under Maine law.
Assuming you purchased it in Maine, if your new coffee maker breaks before four years have passed, you are also entitled to have the seller or manufacturer repair or replace it free of charge.
This is why LL Bean had to become more strict in its policies - shoppers develop unrealistic expectations. 3 years of service from a cheap $70 air fryer, which is just plastic, a fan, a printed circuit board, a heating element and a plug is pretty good. IMHO.
No, LL Bean had what was an incredibly generous, ludicrously good return policy. They would take literally anything they sold back, after any length of time, for any reason and exchange or upgrade it. Even if the issue was the fault of the purchaser.
The Maine implied warranty is far less than what LL Bean offered, and is fairly standard, what you should be able to expect from goods you purchase.
I just wanted to say you’re a champ for continuing to acknowledge these complete dolts. I hope you sleep well tonight.
I'll be sleeping well for sure. I just don't want anyone scared away from trying to use the warranty because someone had the idea that it was stealing resources from Mainers or their reason wasn't good enough. I love the Maine warranty, and think more people should make use of it when it applies.
> wasting taxpayer resources
No they are not. The resources are in place exactly for this purpose.
Bootlicker energy fr
I honestly don't understand people who think like this. It blows my mind.
I think there are enough examples to prove you are wrong
>think there are enough examples to prove you are wrong
Okay I stand corrected. My apologies to the Reddit universe for thinking the the implied warranty law was not all-powerful. Curious to see what OP's experience is with their air fryer claim. I guess I should have saved the receipt for my $27 Mr Coffee from Walmart for when it fails.
>I guess I should have saved the receipt for my $27 Mr Coffee from Walmart for when it fails.
Even if you don't personally care about your $27 coffee maker, we all benefit from fewer products ending up in the landfill a handful of years after they were purchased.
How the fuck are they “wasting taxpayer resources”? It’s not like OP is trying to sue the state.
Would you expect it to last 4 years? I would and that is what the law states. You sound bitter as fuck.
> I just replaced a 40 year old coffee maker and have zero expectations that the replacement will not last nearly as long. Cuz they don't make things like they used to.
While that is true, no new consumer electronic should be failing inside 4 years. The company selling such poor quality merchandise is the one wasting taxpayer resources.
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