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DrDaphne t1_jd3qq8j wrote

Did it end up working for you?? Thanks to your post I'm getting a new blender for free! My blender I got 3 years ago at kmart shit the bed just before I saw your post. I emailed them and of course they first said my warranty expired I sent a second email citing and linking to the law and said "I was hoping to resolve this with you directly but if not my next step is to file a complaint with the attorney General which results in a fine for unfair trade practice for the manufacturer. Please let me know if I need to take the next steps." And imagine that the next email response was them saying they are sending me a new one as a "courtesy"! Haha thanks for your post I hope it works out for you

Edited to say I don't even have a receipt!


FlappyKillmore OP t1_jd3urm7 wrote

Not yet, I haven’t heard back from Big Lots customer service yet. I just cc’d the manufacturer on an email complaint to the attorney generals office. Haha


DrDaphne t1_jd4ghof wrote

That's great! I hope it works out for you