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raynedanser t1_je7dhrb wrote

I'm not familiar with this. Sky funeral?


Odeeum t1_je7doco wrote

Sorry, I should have provided a link:


raynedanser t1_je7e37m wrote

No worries.

As far as I am aware, there is nothing in Maine that allows for this. Methods of disposition are cremation, burial with or without embalming, or donation to science. I'm not even sure where something like this would be set up. You wouldn't want this in your yard - decomposing bodies are nasty things.


DudlyDjarbum t1_je7mxzx wrote

Also burial at sea is still available.


raynedanser t1_je7owlu wrote

Good catch, thanks! I knew there was something else but it wasn't coming to me.


mislysbb t1_je7kz54 wrote

You could have your body sent to a “body farm” where they put your body out in the open, and let nature take its course; all while having it documented/studied by a forensics team.

Sky burials are done because of Tibetan tradition, and honestly, even that as a tradition is dying out for various reasons. Not something that will ever take hold here in the US (nor should it, imo)