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figment1979 t1_jdz7uid wrote

I didn't "blame" anybody - re-read my very first sentence.

I'm asking why - during a time when every single business on the planet was desperate for help and paying just as much as (if not more than) the clowns at Chipotle were paying their employees - why these employees thought continuing to work there despite the deplorable conditions was their best option.

I mean, I don't know about you and your financial life, but if I'm at ANY job where I'm not getting paid on time or at all, I'm outta there real fast. At the end of the day, I need to work to get paid. I'm not doing it out of the goodness of my heart.

Then you add on those other conditions that were reported that made working there "less than ideal", and for me it just doesn't add up. I'm glad the workers got compensation for their troubles, but now tell us what was REALLY going on there, why it was such an amazing place to work under those conditions I stated above. THAT's what I'm really interested to find out and will continue to ask. It makes zero sense to me.

Edit to add: And don't get me wrong, I'm not at all anti-union - I have a public sector union job and am a paying member of the union as a matter of fact - and I 100% support the rights of these workers to unionize and they deserve every cent of compensation they can get from Chipotle for having gone through this entire ordeal.

None of that changes the fact that there were very strange things happening here, WAY before the union-busting tactics.


ninjasquirrelarmy t1_jdzh9oh wrote

Have you applied for a job recently? Every place says that they are hiring, but that is just to placate the overworked staff they currently have. ‘Look we’re trying, no one wants to work anymore!’ I know many people job hunting that have filled out dozens of applications only to get zero calls for interviews.


figment1979 t1_jdzi3s8 wrote

But all this garbage with Chipotle was happening during the pandemic, when businesses WERE actually hiring people off the street because they desperately needed the help. At that time, you could have pretty much walked in to anywhere you wanted to work (and not just fast food places or the like) and they'd hire you in an instant. I'm talking 2020 and 2021, possibly even the beginning of 2022.

Thankfully I'm in a job where I don't need to worry about wanting to apply for another one, so I'll give you the benefit of the doubt that what you described is happening right now. It wasn't when the bad conditions at Chipotle started.