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unciviljared t1_jc1wy2h wrote

All self checkouts I’ve seen have a volume button at the bottom of the screen to adjust the volume/turn the beep on or off.


hoikarnage OP t1_jc1z1k7 wrote

Not the ones at Hannafords. I even asked about it and they said it was a corporate decision.


TheMrGUnit t1_jc208si wrote

The Hannaford self checkouts absolutely do have a volume control. It links to your account, too, so if you key in your phone number before you start scanning, it will adjust the volume to your previous setting.


hoikarnage OP t1_jc20tks wrote

Jesus Christ shut up. Why is everyone on /r/Maine such condescending douchebags? I’m telling you how it is as someone who works there.


z-eldapin t1_jc22rpc wrote

Do you work there, or did someone that works there tell you it was a corporate decision?


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_jc22eqt wrote



hoikarnage OP t1_jc4vuxb wrote

We got a 9 year old here on the internet folks. Haha look at the funny pictures mom!


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_jc4w4ge wrote

Hey, you're the one getting pissed at people who have observed and used a feature on self checkout lines at Hannaford...

But ok, if I'm 9, then how is my child 13? Is this the new math?


hoikarnage OP t1_jc4wx7q wrote

If you have a 13 year old and you are still using gifs to express your emotions on reddit there is something seriously wrong with you and I feel bad for you child for being raised by someone like you.


Majestic-Feedback541 t1_jc4x3cb wrote

Why? Cause I have a sense of humor and don't get offended by random peeps on the internet?


TheMrGUnit t1_jc2rw8y wrote

Maybe I was high on PCP last time I was in Hannaford.

Or maybe your particular store doesn't have the same kiosks as most the rest of Maine.

Or somebody just lied to you.

At least one of these is true.


DidDunMegasploded t1_jc2tjjx wrote

The more you lash out, the more r/thathappened this post and your comments become. Thought logic!