Submitted by qst10 t3_11qnri6 in Maine

I’m in Virginia. I’m an alumni of university of southern Maine. Today I got a letter from usm with a picture where I saw one of my academic counselors/advisors when I was a student there.

Long story short, I want to send a catering gift but I don’t know of any place that does this sort of thing. Anywhere where I can send something nice and write a card?



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Guygan t1_jc46gyd wrote

> catering gift

Please explain what this means.

> southern Maine

What town?


qst10 OP t1_jc475rv wrote

Portland. Specifically around the USM area. Any place that would allow me to cater some nice food and include a card with it since I’m out of state.


Guygan t1_jc47xnj wrote

> cater some nice food

Again, I’m not sure what you’re asking for. Delivery of a full 4 course meal for 20? A basket of cookies? Something in between?


1kft t1_jc4d3rc wrote

Dominoe's They will even write on the inside of the box for you.


Tightlines68 t1_jc6bcgq wrote

What a nice idea . How about a gift card to one of the many great restaurants in Portland . He or she can then go at their leisure.


Dude_Following_4432 t1_jc7bkeo wrote

Call the Cheese Iron in Scarborough. It’s not cheap, but they have excellent stuff.


satanshark t1_jc83189 wrote

Nice try, Edible Arrangements owner. How in the heck did Edible Arrangements, of all things, survive the economic downturn of 2008? The pandemic? How is fruit cut into the shape of a star so insulated from market disruption? I don’t know what you all are trafficking or laundering, but I remain convinced this is some sort of front operation backed by big pineapple.