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TheMobyDicks OP t1_itmax2a wrote

Cool man. Thanks! So you literally walk across it?

If so, I take back my church bells comment. More like bowling balls.


MrFittsworth t1_itmbg45 wrote

We try! My friend crossed the whole line in 3 falls. I made it just shy of half way in 4 falls. We had been envisioning this line for a while, did a quick scouting mission a month or so ago and pulled it together this past weekend. We're hoping to establish another line parallel to this that's slightly shorter, and another nearby that would be much bigger!


TheMobyDicks OP t1_itmeyby wrote

Do you leave them or take them down after? Guessing you leave the anchors in place for future use.


MrFittsworth t1_itmfbl3 wrote

The anchors are very expensive, we take them down for the lifespan of our gear, and safety of others on the mountain.


[deleted] t1_itnq9lz wrote

Ask Dan Osman about leaving your gear up.