Natprk t1_iqra1gd wrote
Best answer
doceticwebphenomenon t1_iqraa4p wrote
How many members?
furrylandseal t1_iqrbawc wrote
I think the more active/vocal it is, the more it will scare large swaths of people into voting for the theocratic, know-nothing, conspiracy theorist, fascist, democracy-hating, lawless, racist, sexist and xenophobic Republicans which are a clear and present danger to democracy. I don’t think most Americans want to live in a China or North Korea.
nottoday603 t1_iqrbmd9 wrote
Wait, being apart means that you left them, right? Being a part of means that you joined them.
New-Work-139 t1_iqrbnv2 wrote
Sorry but I can’t in good faith take seriously a group of people so willing to overlook the mountain of historical evidence that demonstrates how poor a political platform communism is. It has generated SO much misery. Sorry but I just immediately assume you’re all pretty ignorant.
Old-Abalone-974 t1_iqrbq5b wrote
You watch to much fake news!
Redleaves1313 t1_iqrc5b0 wrote
Nice try Russia.
kovid2020 t1_iqrc6gk wrote
How’s capitalism doing?
Real_antichrist t1_iqrcc1m wrote
Fuck the commies
Real_antichrist t1_iqrcfui wrote
I don’t know but millions didn’t starved to death in the streets under it
New-Work-139 t1_iqrchkw wrote
I mean… significantly better than communism ever did. People aren’t running through machine gun fire to escape capitalism so..
uNdead_Codfish t1_iqrchyl wrote
Never even heard of it
shadowaic t1_iqrciuu wrote
To clearly enunciate this :
I'm a Democratic Socialist. I was an actual member of the Socialist Party way back in college, and used to travel to NYC monthly for meetings as well as for various protests, demonstrations (this was during the invasion of Iraq/bullshit about WMD/ W and Cheney were going to destroy the world era) and all sorts of events along those lines.
I've probably mellowed a bit with age, but I am still extremely politically active for progressive causes, am kinda active in the DSA, and still participate in many of the same style protests and demonstrations as I used to. Not quite as frequently, but we all grow up and all that. Point is that I am much, much more active in left wing politics than 99.9% of the people in this sub, or in this state as a whole.
And despite all that, I still have never seen or even heard of the Maine Communist Party. You guys might want to seriously consider some kind of advertising.
Gayasskat t1_iqrd3vt wrote
Yes they have lmao just not in America
New-Work-139 t1_iqrde6p wrote
Where have millions of people starved under capitalism?
biggestofbears t1_iqrdg7c wrote
I'm not pro capitalism at all... Pretty socialist. But there aren't any "Maine Capitalist Party" groups. This is the same vein.
biggestofbears t1_iqrdjwo wrote
Never heard of it. So I don't think about the party at all.
MidSizedYeet t1_iqrdo7h wrote
Him and Liam, they just started junior year of highschool
FredegarBolger910 t1_iqrdpb4 wrote
I mean, CP USA is the old COMINTERN Soviet created party isn't it? Pretty terrible vehicle for progressive politics
Gayasskat t1_iqretu0 wrote
The Irish famine, Indians during ww2 where all their food was exported out in order to feed the soldiers of the richer countries. Pretty much any third world country where people die of hunger are the determined losers of capitalism decided over years of colonialism and taking resources and people to bring riches to the more successful countries with more capital. The great depression and the dustbowl in America were caused entirely / greatly worsened by capitalism.
Communism has had horrible blights by horrible people but to suggest these things don't happen under capitalism is lying to yourself at best
KnownDegree4888 t1_iqrfb4k wrote
It will never win anything and if it were to draw votes away from Republicans, I would be all for it
Cranky_And_Old t1_iqrff7q wrote
The Irish famine was literally caused by a Monarchy and repeated laws discriminating against the Irish, set forth by the Monarchy, not by the economic system
Gayasskat t1_iqrfjxw wrote
What economic system was the monarchy using. Would it have made a difference if a parliament decided it instead of the monarchy
Cranky_And_Old t1_iqrfu46 wrote
No, it wouldn’t have made a difference if Parliament had decided it, because of high anti-Irish sentiment held by the English government in general at the time. This is a false equivalence
Suspicious_Bus_4058 t1_iqrfuel wrote
How many starved under communism? I think Mao took down 20-50 million in 2 years.
Gayasskat t1_iqrfy93 wrote
I think you're failing to see a bigger picture. And that's still 3 words out of everything I said
Treesaregreen2 t1_iqrho2m wrote
Capitalism is all sunshine and rainbows, if you ignore that 3 million children experienced homelessness last year, 10% of all families have food insecurity, 60% of all Americans are living paycheck to paycheck, and over 12% of Americans live below the poverty line.
All the while the biggest companies see record profits and are buying up all the property in the US so that they can deny you housing.
Good thing we don’t have communism though!
PatchMountain t1_iqri9ed wrote
I enjoyed talking to a couple members on a bus ride to DC this summer (Poor People's Campaign). We agree on most issues. It sounded to me like they were open to some blended economic system, which I see as the only way forward. Nice people, branding problem with the party for sure.
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrla0s wrote
The Maine communist party? It’s a off shoot of CPUSA
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrlhno wrote
I was also on the bus too the poor peoples march! How do you think the party has a branding problem?
dinah-fire t1_iqrm0mr wrote
The word 'communism' has been so thoroughly demonized in the US at this point that it doesn't matter what it really stands for--you just can't use that word. It's like how the swastika had a thousand year history of being a religious symbol of piece before the Nazis ruined it. It doesn't matter.. people are still gonna look at it and say 'Nazi'. It doesn't matter that Marx would've been horrified by what the Soviet Union became, that's just what communism means now. Any modern political party with the word 'communist' in it is doomed to failure.
That being said, I've never heard of the Maine Communist Party.
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrm761 wrote
When did communism kill 100 million people? That statement is used as a straw man bc people rope it in with famine that be like me saying capitalism has killed millions of people since it causes homelessness and food insecurity
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrmwz9 wrote
See this is a actual thing I get instead of the people just saying “communism killed ____ amount of people” and though the name has been demonized the party is working to help that, we (as in the party) are doing things such as buying farm land to grow food for food banks and working with places such as food and medicine to help unhoused people not die during the winter. If you have a open mind and want to atleast hear what we have to say we have a website you can read about what we do!
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrn56g wrote
No actually we’re about 50 strong at the moment! The party has been around since the 60s
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrn87j wrote
Russia isn’t communist anymore
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrne7d wrote
Never heard of it bc we don’t spend money on ad campaigns lmao
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrni8u wrote
Didn’t think I’m allowed to link to sites on the sub hence why I didn’t
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrnmu8 wrote
We are busy spending money to help combat homelessness and buying farm land to help food insecurity doesn’t leave much for ads
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrnrtl wrote
How about the millions of people starving right now due to capitalism?
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrnya2 wrote
I mean we can say the same thing about people starving under communism? It’s not actually bc of communism is bc they were having a famine nothing to do with the economic system
monztaman t1_iqro28w wrote
Unfortunately the biggest land purchases are by the communist Chinese right now.
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqro68o wrote
Yeah! I do admit it’s hard to know about the party unless you’re actively looking for it, but that’s mostly because we don’t spend money on ads instead using it to help people
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqro8cf wrote
I’m glad I could be a way for people to find out about it! Good or bad
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrofc2 wrote
We don’t currently run candidates we work more as a non profit at the moment helping the poor and food insecure
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrom6y wrote
Have you never heard of Pinochet 💀 the us backed coup in Chile where they gunned down and hung people from helicopter
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrop9b wrote
Democrats and republicans both support capitalism? They say so all the time
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqros92 wrote
No currently a member! Have been since late 2020
biggestofbears t1_iqrp8qk wrote
Sure, but they don't put capitalism in the name. Its just not a good PR move. Putting communism in the name just starts with a trigger word for a LOT of people.
I'm not saying Republicans or Democrats are the right answer, but if either party put "US Capitalism Party" a lot of people would not vote for them simply because of the name.
shadowaic t1_iqrpy89 wrote
Creating some sort of presence saying "Hey, we exist and this is what we stand for" doesn't have to cost a lot, or really any amount, of money. Truth is that having 10 or 20 of you giving everything to try to address those goals is far less effective than having a couple hundred people give some time and effort. But you'll never get to the latter point if people don't know you exist.
There's also the reality that the CP, for reasons real or imagined, has never been able to get a foothold in the political system in the US. Between the Red Scare, the Reagan era scapegoating, the collapse of the USSR, the various failures across Latin America, you guys have an uphill battle. This is then exacerbated by the fact that, across the Left, more time and effort seems to be spent on infighting over what type of Communism is the best, purest form (Marxist/Leninist? Trotskyism? Anarcho-syndacalism? AnCap bullshit?) instead of actually fighting the creeping fascism that's clearly evident across the country and even in our own back yards (Patriot Front anyone). These conditions make it so much harder for any progressive movement to actually hit a clear goal. It's just difficult to see how taking on all the baggage that comes with the name "Communist Party" is any sort of advantage.
But for real, I'm rooting for you. This state has been pretty good about keeping a focus on leftist ideals, Ranked Choice Voting makes running for office potentially viable for a whole lot of people who would otherwise be totally marginalized, and as a bonus, we can all focus our time and energy right now on telling Paul Lepage to fuck off.
Best of luck to you
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrq8gq wrote
Yeah but the fun thing with that is if we called ourselves something like “the leftist coalition party” or “the people’s party” people would say we’re trying to trick people into liking communism so we’re in a damned if we do damned we don’t situation
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrqav1 wrote
That’s my fault i was laying attention to my spelling
chrizardALX t1_iqrqddf wrote
A bunch of brainwashed children with no historical or common sense
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrqdwj wrote
We don’t run candidates at the moment so it’s hard to draw votes from anything
KnownDegree4888 t1_iqrqi07 wrote
So basically a totally useless organization
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrrako wrote
Thank you! This is the best and most constructive comment I’ve read under this post, I’ll make sure to tell the party what we should be working on so we can our name out there.
Best of luck to you too
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrrjab wrote
Some of our members have been in the party since the 60s so I mean they lived through the history
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrrmlt wrote
Yeah! But now you do know about it so the post has worked in that regard
[deleted] OP t1_iqrs129 wrote
Capitalism has brought more people out of poverty than any system in the world. It is flawed but by no means is communism the answer.
biggestofbears t1_iqrs1hf wrote
Yeah you've got a solid point there. I think the biggest hurdle is breaking down people's perception of what communism is and separating the party from failed communist states.
Ask anyone semi-literate in the political world if communism works and they can point to a number of countries that tried it and failed, and that's a pretty big hurdle to get past.
I think this post was a start. I guess. But it didn't give anyone information about it, other than the name. Having a link. Or listing values. Or even saying "the Maine Communist Party as X candidate running for x seat would have been a bigger step in at least introducing it to people.
indyaj t1_iqrsf26 wrote
> Capitalism is all sunshine and rainbows
They didn't say that.
Can you give an example of a Communist society that solved the problems you listed? How is Communism better than Capitalism? For the record, I don't think capitalism is the answer. At best, it's unsustainable. At best. But I don't see communism as the answer.
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrsm05 wrote
Yeah! I just wasn’t sure if link posting was against the subs rules
And we aren’t running any candidates this year but we’re planning on running some next year.
We, like most leftist, don’t want to give republicans a chance to win so we decided as a party to run on a off year to minimize the chance that a fascist gets a seat
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrthzz wrote
Well now you have :)
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrtyio wrote
Tell that to all the homeless people starving in Bangor! I’m sure they’d love for you to go tell them how capitalism will lift them out of poverty as me and my party teach them how to grow food and urban forage as well as buying land to grow food for them
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqru9ir wrote
Cuba right now has one of the best healthcare systems in the world, they as a small island nation made their own COVID vaccine and shipped doctors to other countries to help them with short staffed hospitals
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqruf63 wrote
Damn didn’t know helping unhoused people get food and funding people to get addiction counselling for free was useless I’ll make sure to let them know!
[deleted] OP t1_iqruxw3 wrote
I never said capitalism was perfect and would lift everyone out of poverty. I said capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any system in the world. That is a true statement
Communism has worked 0% of the times it was implemented. Any wealth or success they had was usually a result of another system before communism, then communism sucked it dry and destroyed it.
No system is perfect but to date capitalism (with some social programs) is our best option.
16F4 t1_iqrve4c wrote
Really? Check out something called “social media”. I hear it’s popular with the kids today. And almost free…
If some rich entitled asshat can get a following, surely someone fighting for social justice might get some traction.
Treesaregreen2 t1_iqrvrnk wrote
I didn’t say they said that.
In communist countries homelessness is quite low comparatively to the US. They’ve made a lot of progress in the last few decades whereas things have only gotten worse in the US for years now.
indyaj t1_iqrvsxf wrote
Can you post a link to this info?
Edit: also sources to the other problems you listed that were "solved by communism." It would be great if you could include info on how oppression and authoritarianism aren't included in communism saving the world.
indyaj t1_iqrwanw wrote
> I didn’t say they said that.
Ok, you inferred it.
> In communist countries homelessness is quite low comparatively to the US. They’ve made a lot of progress in the last few decades whereas things have only gotten worse in the US for years now.
Can you post a link that shows this?
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqry4rs wrote
Treesaregreen2 t1_iqryh5l wrote
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrytd9 wrote
We have socials! Again you’re most likely not in the sector to know about it, just like I’m sure there are tons of alt right groups that I don’t know about in Maine
indyaj t1_iqryumi wrote
Post the party metrics for these fine acts of philanthropy.
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqryz83 wrote
And what do rich people have that we don’t? Oh it’s MONEY and what do you use to get ads on social media? Oh yeah it’s MONEY the issue I said we had.
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrzcvj wrote
No, unlike philanthropy we don’t just throw money at problems, we have people that teach at shelters on how to forage in urban environments and how to grow food in small spaces. Along with we own farm land that we use to help unhoused people.
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrzhym wrote
Philanthropy would just be us getting money and then sending it to charities we do hands on work
New-Work-139 t1_iqrzmq4 wrote
That wasn’t capitalism though. The country was literally half owned by a company (the East India company). That is not capitalism, it was colonial corporatism. It’s a completely different system of political economics. There was little to no competition and all corporate enterprises were state funded and subsidized. Same thing in Ireland.
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqrzqki wrote
Then why is Cuba one of the highest nations in terms of literacy rate and they made there own COVID vaccine which was labeled “extremely effective” by outside sources not to mention other countries ask them for doctors such as South Africa
[deleted] OP t1_iqs2ax5 wrote
Do you see people from the u.s. crafting rafts and risking their lives to join such an amazing system?
Look at what people are escaping, and where they are escaping to. You are witnessing the will of the average citizen of those systems, not some watered down elevator pitch about why communism is so great.
BachRodham t1_iqs2bol wrote
> How do you think the party has a branding problem?
You really don't know the answer to that already?
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs5h6j wrote
Bro… there’s a literal sub called r/amerexit but sure people aren’t trying to get out of the US
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs5lzg wrote
Also people aren’t really fleeing from Cuba anymore that was all the slave owners after Fidel took over
[deleted] OP t1_iqs5ta9 wrote
They exiting and bringing all the wealth they made to a communist country?
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs644u wrote
I mean yeah? All the people we talk too when we do community out reach don’t say anything negative it’s mostly that they didn’t know about us
KnownDegree4888 t1_iqs6e5x wrote
You do that, sounds like a band aid on a severed artery
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs6ehx wrote
Yeah buddy that’s usually how moving works yanno? You try to bring your possessions with you
[deleted] OP t1_iqs6lla wrote
your possessions? Don't you mean the states possessions? Those aren't yours anymore
DidDunMegasploded t1_iqs6t8q wrote
> Maine
chorus of "awww's"
> Communist Party
chorus of disgusted sounds
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs729q wrote
And also there’s mega threads on that sub for people trying to leave the US who have no money so I mean some people do
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs76jl wrote
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs79n9 wrote
That’s not how private property works lmao you’re just showing how ignorant you are to the whole thing, may I suggest reading?
[deleted] OP t1_iqs7g7y wrote
There is no private property in communism. Do you not know this?
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs7xxw wrote
Yeah as in you can’t own a business or anything that you can use to exploit other people, it has no bearing on personal property which would be things such as belongings
membaberry18 t1_iqs8bos wrote
It worked out really well for Russia
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs8f1d wrote
Would you rather us run this year, take away votes from other progressive candidates leading to a fascist to win, or what we think is the better alternative wait until a off year where we can do a big push and likely get someone elected. It’s a pretty easy to grasp strategy plan
[deleted] OP t1_iqs8s78 wrote
Do you think you can own a home under communism?
indyaj t1_iqs8ssd wrote
Philanthropy isn't "throwing money at problems."
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs8wpk wrote
We are not the Russian communist party, just like how the Irish republicans are extremely different then ours
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs8zm7 wrote
Mf you think people are packing their houses with them when they move?
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs93ne wrote
Do you own a house under capitalism?
[deleted] OP t1_iqs975c wrote
I don't think you have an understanding of wealth creation or personal property.
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs986c wrote
It quite literally is the definition of it is “the desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.”
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs9cj6 wrote
Answer, right now do you own a house under capitalism? Since it so good you should have one right?
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqs9gkx wrote
I mean I don’t own a house? My parent don’t own theirs? Mf sucking capitalism off when you have no capital lmao
indyaj t1_iqs9teu wrote
> Philanthropy would just be us getting money and then sending it to charities we do hands on work
No. That is not philanthropy. This is: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/philanthropy
Which is how you portray your political group. Not a bad thing but why call yourselves communists when you could more palatably call yourselves secular humanists?
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqsabhu wrote
- You missed the part after where is says “a gift done to help the humanitarians”
- We don’t only do what I listed feel free to go to the link on my post to read more about what we do! But we also do stuff such as fund candidates, organize marches, provide education as much as we can and many more things! Feel free to read up on it
indyaj t1_iqsae7r wrote
The first link goes literally nowhere. The second to a link about Cuban doctors going to another country to help. That's not communism. If it is, then the US government is communism.
Communism doesn't "solve" problems any more than capitalism does. It does have a phenomenally shitty record on human rights though.
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqsaplx wrote
Oh here we go with the “that’s not true capitalism it’s corporatism” that be like me saying “that’s not true communism that’s socialism” when talking about the USSR
indyaj t1_iqsaxs7 wrote
But you're Communists. If you weren't a political organization claiming to be humanitarian, then I'd consider reading more but this is how it all started and now we have China and North Korea. No thank you.
bonnar0000 t1_iqsazbn wrote
Its great on a small scale where you can control the pool of participants by making it voluntary. Its flawed when you try to make it universal. Capitalism doesn't need to be enforced. It just is. In fact we have to enforce that it doesnt go too far. Socialism has to be enforced to exist in the first place. Its tough because I believe the ideals. But ffs, too many bad names associated with trying to enforce socialism.
New-Work-139 t1_iqsb8m3 wrote
I can understand how it might be misleading as the words sound similar, but corporatism is deeply anti-capitalist and on the whole just as much so as is socialism. So, I’m sorry, but your comparison is really a poor one and I’d encourage you to read up on the differences as you might find it changes your political persuasions.
indyaj t1_iqsb9ky wrote
Or :
goodwill to fellow members of the human race especially : active effort to promote human welfare
from https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/philanthropy
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqsc1y9 wrote
And actual good criticism, but let me argue
Communism is more “natural” then capitalism as when we were tribes we had a form of it, the natives also had communism like economy before they were basically wiped out, capitalism came about when the ruling class and the merchant class needed a easier way to make people stay subservient. There are tons of books you can read or listen to on the subject that would do better then me explaining it
silverport t1_iqsc81d wrote
Commies lost bro…
Edit: /s
FriarRoads t1_iqscm17 wrote
Are you a political party if you don't participate in elections? Sounds more like an NGO.
[deleted] OP t1_iqscnam wrote
Jizzbootsturdhat t1_iqscodd wrote
It's your life what do I care.
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqsd09q wrote
I don’t think I called us a political party? Because that would be wrong as we currently aren’t one like if I were to run I couldn’t have “communist” as my party. It’s more of a set of beliefs we follow at the moment sort of how there really is no capitalist party just people who subscribe to the beliefs of it, if that made sense
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqsd4gu wrote
The typical Mainer response lmao
silverport t1_iqsdmrk wrote
Yes! Please change your name! Maine CP sounds like Maine Child Porn.
How about Social Democratic Labor Party? Or Maine Labor Party? Keep the agenda, change the name. In fact, Communist Party should rebrand itself to Social Labor Party!
You can capitalize on increased labor union sentiment in the country and drive up numbers. People are looking for a viable 3rd option.
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqsdqz5 wrote
That’s the problem, you clearly like some of the things we do but you’re not looking at us bc we’re communist, you’re the entirety of the US congrats!
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqsdzd3 wrote
We would love to do that! But sadly the second we do that we get the people saying “you changed your name to trick people into liking communism”
silverport t1_iqse0k3 wrote
Fine..edited the original
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqseeob wrote
I retract my statement
indyaj t1_iqsegfq wrote
>Okay, and?
Your inference is false.
Good references though don't illustrate that communism is the solution to homelessness.
How do you think the Uyghurs feel about it?
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqsewgs wrote
Also, currently we operate as a branch of the national communist party USA so it would be impossible to switch the name unless they wanted to and currently it’s not really on their to do list
indyaj t1_iqsf376 wrote
What makes you explicitly communist? Is it the desire to be subversive? If you really want to "help" then maybe call yourselves something less controversial.
I'm not a capitalist by any stretch. My mother thinks I'm a communist because of my criticism of it, but I'm not. The history of crimes against humanity should be enough for anyone to denounce it. Yes, the same could be said about capitalism but I'm not banging a drum about that either.
silverport t1_iqsgih7 wrote
This is America bro! People are stupid! You can put a lipstick on a pig here and call it Marilyn Monroe.
Look at the MAGA crowd. Those people are looking to cling onto something because neither party cares enough about them and Trump is totally exploiting them. They are just too stupid to understand.
You can reword a communist agenda into a language that is more appreciated in the United States. Reword it along the labor movement or black lives matter or lgbtq+, (whatever don’t care) something and make it about those poor working class people, living paycheck to paycheck, being taken advantage of by their employer, and I guarantee that you will win elections and make a change.
If you guys really wanna make a change, now is the time to really strike when there is disharmony in Washington. This is the perfect opportunity for a third-party to shoehorn their way into politics and stick around.
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqsgma8 wrote
We are the communist party though, changing our name would do little against that, we subscribe to communist beliefs, our party has been around since the 60s (actually earlier but it was called other names) it be like saying the democrats should change their name bc they were the party of slavery before the platform switch, it would be nothing other then performative
Kiddie_Kleen t1_iqshe7l wrote
You make some really good points, and I think a lot like you do but sadly I’m only one person in the party of around 50, though I have been the one pushing for actual candidates to run and other things. But thank you for actually being constructive and giving me some things to talk to the party about :)
indyaj t1_iqshk9f wrote
Ok. Whatever.
silverport t1_iqskk3x wrote
DM me to if you want to keep the conversation going. I’m independently fierce! I vote for the least bad choice.
Treesaregreen2 t1_iqslojb wrote
>Your inference is false.
That OP loves capitalism? Their comments speak for themselves, yours don’t.
>Good references though don't illustrate that communism is the solution to homelessness.
You asked for references specifically on my comment saying communist countries have made progress combatting homelessness, whereas the US has only gotten worse. You didn’t ask me for citations on how communism is the solution to homelessness. That’s called moving the goal post, focus.
>How do you think the Uyghurs feel about it?
How do you think African slaves felt? What about the refugee children still being separated from their parents at the border?
indyaj t1_iqswtni wrote
Whataboutism is not the answer.
Treesaregreen2 t1_iqswysv wrote
I agree, you should stop doing that.
sy33d_am33r_ali t1_iqsxoli wrote
Great buncha folks.
Redleaves1313 t1_iqtbhul wrote
And I’m your Irish uncle
Redleaves1313 t1_iqtccu5 wrote
Go watch Dr. Zhivago, a great movie, and also a little insight into early communism.
Redleaves1313 t1_iqtcmz9 wrote
Communism works so poorly that the current form of “communism” is very far from the original idea of communism.
PatchMountain t1_iqu4xxw wrote
Oh, did we talk?? (Rick)
The leap from where we are to pure communism is vast and, imho, unsurmountable. Also the failures/ inadequacies of many world examples, though admittedly with some successes as well, turn people away. The label is so strong that it overshadows any issue oriented discussion.
Personally I am ok with it and see a place for all sorts of advocacy and perspectives, some pragmatic and some aspirational, to help push the narrative but I think most people easily dismiss it.
16F4 t1_iqr99c0 wrote
They don’t.