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AtariHeavy26 t1_ir5xdq7 wrote

Lol I was wondering why everyone was downvoting that. The moderator even corrected him on those particular questions.


1stepklosr t1_ir6pxou wrote

I just wish the moderators did that more.


AtariHeavy26 t1_ir718l7 wrote

Steve did a pretty good job of quickly correcting him. I watch a lot of debates in other states. I was in Bar Harbor/Acadia this past weekend and saw a lot of the signs out. When I saw they were showing it online I was like let’s see what these candidates are about. I was hoping they would address the lobstermen issue as that was never touched and seemed to be a big issue along the coast.


hike_me t1_ir6s6ty wrote

I upvoted you.

Someone probably misunderstood you when you first posted it, and then once it’s been downvoted to zero or less everyone else starts to pile on.