Dude_Following_4432 t1_issn0f2 wrote
I just listed a house for 5% with a 50/50 split for agents unless the buyer’s agent works for the listing broker, then it’s 4%.
DifferenceMore5431 t1_issnbsx wrote
5 and 6% are both common but it does vary somewhat. If you don't like the contract the agent proposed, bring it up with them.
mmaalex t1_issp5rj wrote
The standard in the US for years has been 6%. The split is "3/3" but actually is typically 3.5% to the sellers agent, 2.5% to the buyers due to the cost of listing MLS, etc.
Not saying you can't negotiate better, plenty of people do, and there's more options than ever for listing methods.
Obviously the quality of realtors is all over the map because the licensing bar is relatively low, so hire accordingly.
Squidworth89 t1_isspqj3 wrote
I’ve never signed a contract with a buyers agent…
suspiciousscents t1_istf0y3 wrote
If you are not absolutely set on using this particular realtor, there are plenty who only charge 2.5%. Insisting on 3% is odd, I think. Home buying will be slowing down due to rates, so I would think this realtor would give in on the .5%. It could be worth looking around for other realtors.
KermitThrush t1_istkect wrote
The advent of online real estate apps and free or cheap real estate software has led to real estate agents taking even less than the traditional 5% in recent years.
I would walk away from any real estate agency asking more than 5% or 2.5% respectively.
9wild9 t1_istotrx wrote
You’ve also never bought a house.
Squidworth89 t1_istqsnu wrote
I flip houses.
Build houses.
Keep some for rentals.
But yeah sure... Whatever you say pud.
9wild9 t1_istrcst wrote
I’d worry more about your maternity leave. No time for flipping houses right now.
Squidworth89 t1_istt2n5 wrote
You go off topic to try to deflect from your lack of knowledge on the subject.
and you suck at going off topic too.
9wild9 t1_isttajc wrote
You’re obviously very angry right now. Lashing out on Reddit is not going to help your personal situation. I wish you the best.
Squidworth89 t1_isttw00 wrote
You’re still failing.
If you can’t trash talk then don’t talk out your ass on stuff you don’t know anything about.
9wild9 t1_istut62 wrote
Your rental income should be enough to get you through this rough patch correct? Or maybe you can buy another property to flip?
Squidworth89 t1_istyid2 wrote
Still no clue what rough patch you’re talking about.
Your shit talking still failing.
9wild9 t1_istzukd wrote
Your post history is full of you trying to sound intelligent and failing miserably. You’re staying true to form here.
Squidworth89 t1_isu1yjn wrote
Lolz. Just keep failing at trolling.
smokinLobstah t1_issmnph wrote
AFAIK, the "standard" used to be 6%, but that was always negotiable.
In the past 8yrs we've sold several homes with agents and always negotiated for 5% total.