siebzy t1_iu462dg wrote
Reply to comment by KusOmik in Would you Tip the same or at all, if the service industry workers earned states minimum wage or more. That be the case if the Question D in Portland passes. by kubabooba
You're an idiot
KusOmik t1_iu466k5 wrote
Yeah, I knew you wouldn’t have a response to that. You people never do.
siebzy t1_iu491r1 wrote
Both my postman and my car guy make more than $18. You're an idiot.
KusOmik t1_iu4f74r wrote
Maybe, because those are higher skilled jobs than a server. How about the cashier at the grocery store or the EMT in town? Those guys are making $18/hr. Are you tipping them? Why are servers the only ones deserving of a living wage & also 22% tip on every order?
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