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JimBones31 t1_iuj3101 wrote

Is it because Methodists don't like trading cards?


Hot_Salad9000 t1_iuj7eyw wrote

I made bags with little toys and threw a pack into each one. Definitely a nice treat.


Cosmoplasma t1_iuj8u8c wrote

Awesome! That is a whole lot of joy you are spreading right there.


Bywater t1_iuj9f98 wrote

Methodists are chill as Abrahamic cults go, they just don't drink for the most part. They also tend to be more active in the Jesus parts of the story, like helping for folks with food pantries and school clothes and bags for poor kids.


No-Statement5662 t1_iujxtat wrote

I’m doing the same but with a small goodie bag! With 2 pieces of candy and a pack!


Erulastiel t1_iujyjix wrote

I have goodie bags and mini boosters. Now let's see if I get kids this year haha.


out_of_sqaure t1_iuk196h wrote

A trunk or treat is when people get together and round their cars up in a parking lot or something and decorate the trunks all Halloween-y. Then the kids can go car to car getting candy.

It's just a fun alternative (or supplement) to kids going door to door trick-or-treating.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iuk5jo3 wrote

Oh? I thought there was a joke in this post regarding the whole "Pokemon is satanic/the devil/wah-dee-wah" thing that people believed back in the late 90s and early 2000s. Guess not. My bad lol.


DidDunMegasploded t1_iuk5ukh wrote

A safer one as well.

A lot of parents do it because they don't want their kid run over by cars, or just feel uncomfortable with the prospect of knocking on the doors of complete strangers. Some also do trick-or-treat as well. It's been a thing since at least before 2020 but soared in popularity over the course of the pandemic for obvious reasons.


3490goat t1_iuk9m0g wrote

I honestly don’t know how to feel about this, I’m too old for Pokémon and my kids are too young. It’s not extra sugar though so you get a thumbs up from this old parent 👍