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TheMrNeffels t1_ish5ywd wrote

My wife and I are from Iowa and just did a road trip up through new york, Vermont, new Hampshire, and Maine then came through mass on way back

I whole heartedly agree fuck Massachusetts. Will never return.

Although I have to add y'all are lying about moose in Maine they don't exist. Never saw one and spent multiple days looking


SeawolfGaming t1_ish6ho8 wrote

Well bub were you in Southern Maine or Northern Maine?


TheMrNeffels t1_ish6yqv wrote

Northern. I'm just joking though unfortunately the day we got there was opening bear hunting day so bunch of hunters in trucks and with dogs ripping around. Probably scared all the wildlife off


ScarletFire21 t1_ishqfq7 wrote

What town(s) were you in?


TheMrNeffels t1_isi120w wrote

All around the area of moosehead lake and Baxter state park. Drove in from northern NH


bwma t1_isj1h1q wrote

You drove on the mass pike for an hour and that made you say you'll never return?


TheMrNeffels t1_isjpcdg wrote

Lol no we did other stuff too. Stopped on coast, went to Salem(don't recommend), and some other small stops.

We were mainly on a wildlife sight seeing trip so that's main issue. Although yeah the mass pike was super annoying because people do not know how to drive and we were almost in like 3 accidents in 30 minutes because morons were texting and not paying attention.


Photografeels t1_isjvl60 wrote

I mean you stopped in Salem, that was your issue. Shoulda gone to Crane Beach or Plum Island especially if you were looking for wildlife


TheMrNeffels t1_isjw1io wrote

Lol we weren't looking for wildlife in Salem. My wife wanted to stop. Not what she thought it would be though


Photografeels t1_isjwl5b wrote

Fair enough, it’s definitely way overhyped. The Peabody Essex Museum is worth the stop though, seen a lot of great exhibits there.