Submitted by readingjag t3_yawcdr in Maine

Is there anywhere in Southern Maine that I can take my kid to play tennis indoors where it doesn’t cost an outrageous amount of money? Hourly rates at the tennis places are wild! Thanks for any ideas



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lolobq47 t1_itdhi3e wrote

What do you consider an outrageous amount of money? Maine pines in Brunswick is probably the most affordable option you’ll be able to find down south, unless you have some means to get into the Bowdoin indoor courts


readingjag OP t1_itdijwt wrote

I’m seeing prices upwards of $50 an hour which we definitely can’t afford. Will check this out, thank you!


SyntheticCorners28 t1_itdi0v1 wrote

The indoor courts in Augusta are cheap if you don't mind the drive.


readingjag OP t1_itdilxi wrote

Might be worth it considering the prices, thank you!


intent107135048 t1_itg1txj wrote

They’re high for a reason. It’s pricey to keep a giant building warm/cool and maintain the facilities.


readingjag OP t1_itg28cb wrote

I was wondering if there is a reason for the expense other than ‘it’s only for wealthy people’


intent107135048 t1_itg2eux wrote

A bit of both, probably. Compare a day pass for a gymnasium at your local Y or university that’s subsidized and how many people they can fit, versus tennis courts with much smaller capacities. Then add rich people who can afford to pay whatever and don’t want the plebs around.


RealMainer t1_ithb6jz wrote

Indoor tennis requires a huge amount of space which has to be temperature controlled and well lit. Think of all the other things you could do with that space. They have to charge a decent price it it wouldn’t be worth it.


DifferenceMore5431 t1_ithpnqt wrote

Tennis courts are HUGE. You need about 8000 sf per court and it can only be used by 1 pair at a time. It's a ton of space to build, maintain, and heat for just one court that will only be used 5-10 times in a day.