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Interesting-Prior613 t1_itxrnm7 wrote

This is what we get when we let outside money into state decided elections. Senators and Congressmen position should only have funding from in state sources. Sick of hearing about house majority pacs and others like it. Every state is different and that is what makes America so great!


egoodkowsky t1_itxs8v0 wrote

Won't change until the US Supreme Court overturns the Citizen United decision or Congress passes an amendment to the Constitution. Don't hold your breath.


[deleted] t1_itxy8ul wrote



Weird-Tomorrow-9829 t1_itxzkb4 wrote

If the bear thing comes to the ballot again, the people who sign that petition should lose their voting rights. How many times did have to be voted on?


hike_me t1_itz75qv wrote

It’s also why LePage won reelection. It was an off year election. Rural turn out was way up due to the bear baiting referendum, while the vote in greater Portland / the coast was down. I’m 100% convinced Michaud would have won by a couple points otherwise.


eljefino t1_itze2th wrote

They do this on purpose with something controversial. They had an anti-flag burning referendum meant to get all the old curmedgeons out to vote, hoping that the weak Republicans would get a boost.


cepheus42 t1_itzdb53 wrote

I support a petition to pass a law that says once a petition has been voted on and has passed or failed, you can't put it up for petition again for at least ten years.