Signs your mailing list might be out of date - when you, the previous owner of your house, and the previous owner before THEM all get the same mailer from the Maine Republican Party
Submitted by figment1979 t3_ykxzun in Maine
I get all the previous owner's republican mail, too. I'm especially annoyed because they didn't even have a mailbox when they lived here. I had to install one the day after I moved in. I get all the spam they they didn't even get themselves.
There are steps you can take to reduce the amount of unwanted USPS political mailers.
Keep in mind being registered to vote automatically opts you in to receiving political mail/calls/texts/emails, etc. Your voter registration is public record and is obtained by campaigns for their mailing/call/email lists.
Voting early seems to reduce these unwanted mailers/phone calls/emails that are connected to the voter registration list.
I personally cancel my voter registration after I have voted so it prevents my info from being public record for long periods of time. I then register to vote at the last possible moment as well.
Check to see if your state has a confidential voter registration program. This will prevent your voter registration info from being shared.
Phone numbers/emails are optional info on voter registration - if you don’t provide this info then you won’t receive political calls/emails.
It is NOT required by law in the USA to have a phone number or email address! Do keep in mind that NOT providing this info will hinder the election board in contacting you if there is an issue with an absentee/mail in ballot.
Install a spam filter app that blocks texts messages based on keywords ("Democrat" "republican" "vote" etc).
NOTE: If receiving phone calls from the “other” party or addressing someone else - a sign that the previous owner of your phone number still has your number listed on their voter registration. Contact your state/local election board and ask for your number to be removed from this individual’s voter registration form.
The sender is basically the USPS’s mailing list instead of their own internal one (voter list). These mailers are mailed to every address on an USPS mail route.
How to stop these mailers (political & non-political) in past resident names - Ask mail carrier to MLNA (moved left no address) the name variation.
NOTE: Some mail carriers won’t MLNA non-first class mail so you may have to beg/bribe them especially if the name variation isn’t receiving any other mail. Obtain the VACANT form from local USPS and fill this out with the names of everyone who should receive mail at said address and place in your mailbox. Attach a list of past resident names that need to be MLNA - don’t forget bribe snacks!
How to check if someone still has your address/phone number listed on their voter registration - search address/phone number in websites like &
This is how to stop past resident mail…
First realize there are two types of USPS mail - first class & non-first class - each is handled differently!
The endorsements consist of one keyword: “Electronic,” “Address,” “Return,” “Change,” or “Forwarding,” followed by the two words “Service Requested.”
You are receiving this type of mail because - the individual forgot to submit COA (change of address), COA is expired (expires after 18 months), forgot to submit COA in that name variation (Thomas vs Tom). The mail sorting machines sort by the first four letters of the first/last name.
Write “NOT at this address” and place in outgoing mail. If the individual moved over 18 months ago write “NOT at this address - MLNA” (moved left no address) and place in your outgoing mail OR take these items to the USPS and give to the clerk.
MLNA is a new option in mail carriers handheld -
EACH name variation will need their own MLNA/3575Z - so be extremely diligent!
If the individual (name variation) has an active USPS COA the first class mailer is forwarded. If the COA is expired (expires 18 months) or doesn’t exists the first class mailer is RTS with an official USPS forward/return label so the company can update their mailing list.
NOTE: MLNA’s are added to the NCOA (National change of address) database just like normal USPS COA’s. This database is used by companies (including marketing) to help keep their mailing list current. Ever wonder how “junk” mail follows you to your next address - this is how. If a company has your address listed for this individual (name variation) they will receive message - left no forwarding address - which forces them to locate another address for this name variation. The mailer is NOT printed!
You are receiving this type of mail because - non-first class mail is NOT forwarded via an USPS COA. Guess what you too are receiving this type of mail at EACH of your old addresses for this same reason.
See my steps (seven) on reducing your unwanted non-first class mail - this will reduce the amount of mail being delivered to your old addresses.
The ONLY way to stop this type of mail is to contact the sender and request the removal of the name/address!
Register your address with USPS informed delivery - service emails you daily the USPS mail/packages to be delivered - use this service to aid you in your removal request - attach the mailers image as reference.
Google the return address - normally a companies email is found in their privacy policy. If unable to locate an email - use the websites “contact us” or “live agent” options.
“I am receiving past resident mail and I would like this to STOP! Please remove this individual from your USPS mailing/marketing list.
Name/address on mailer)
See attached mailer as reference.” (Attach informed delivery image)
NOTE: If the mailer has the wording “or current resident” - guess what - you ARE the current resident. This is just a marketing tactic - always a current resident - the sender doesn’t have to update their mailing list. If you don’t want this mailer - remove the name/address from the senders mailing list. When you remove one name be prepared to receive the same mailer in another past resident name. Just keep removing names until the mailer stops. My record is 15 names!
NOTE: If receiving preapproved credit card offers for past residents - sign they haven’t updated their address on their credit reports (Experian, Equifax, TransUnion & Innovis). To stop these offers register them with opt out prescreen - - do NOT include their SSN - DO include their middle name & DOB. This info is found in websites like truepeoplesearch, nuwber, mylife.
NOTE: If receiving political mailers for past residents - sign they haven’t updated their voter registration. Contact your local election board - and update this info - be sure that USPS forms 3575Z/MLNA are active. If the election board physically mails this individual something they will get message - “moved left no forwarding address”.
NOTE: If the mailer has a postage paid envelope - return these while waiting for removal request to take affect. Be sure to attach the address portion of the mailer and write “remove from mailing list”. Support the USPS!
NOTE: Your goal is to have ONLY your wanted mail appearing in your addresses informed delivery. Some mail carriers sort mail before delivery - which is great - but you still don’t want this individual connected to your address. So request removal from ALL past resident mailers that appear in your addresses informed delivery.
Here is a list of common USPS junk/marketing mailers with easy opt outs - updated list under username - don’t forget to opt out past residents - -
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