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benduker7 t1_iy8d0v4 wrote

My parents in CT on the other hand regularly get back $100-$200 on each electric bill with Eversource, none of this silly minimum bill stuff. They cut them a check once a year


metalandmeeples OP t1_iy8dwa5 wrote

Heh, if Maine did that I suspect people would put as many panels as they could fit on their roofs just to cash in. I know I would. There's unfortunately no incentive at the moment to oversize in Maine.


Somehowsideways t1_iy91yjm wrote

I wonder if power distribution costs are factored in and amortized, then taken out of the check? Distribution charges are actually fairly important to charge everyone using power from the grid, because not doing so would put that cost onto people who don’t have access to solar, which includes almost everyone who struggles to pay their bills.


benduker7 t1_iy92h0g wrote

I'm sure that Eversource is taking their slice of the pie, but I've never actually looked at their itemized bill.