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bubba1819 t1_iwhyzp0 wrote

Reply to comment by bigtencopy in Hunting guffaw by [deleted]

No idea. I took down my stand and got out of the whole situation. It’s a bummer but I don’t want to be caught in the middle of this property dispute. The land is a big piece and no where near any development, so it’s not like I was hunting near this Massachusetts persons new house. If anything, their getting ready to have it logged.

The guy who gave me permission to hunt there said that he walked the property pins himself and that my stand was squarely on his land but I still don’t want to be caught in the middle of the whole mess, so I’m out lol. I feel bad that I may have given hunters a bad name making this person from Mass think I was hunting without permission but there’s nothing I can do about it. I tried to do everything the right way.


LLambguy t1_iwir4xw wrote

There is an "app" for your phone that realtors frequently use - I've spaced the name, but google it. They have a seven day free trial that works without hassles. As a former tax assessor, I've tested it around my area - seems spot on. That is, if you want to know what is registered with your town office...