yupuhoh t1_ixjbtsf wrote
Brand new muffler....nice
combatbydesign t1_ixjceuv wrote
Now we know why it had to be replaced.
yupuhoh t1_ixjckd9 wrote
Lol..still purrs like a kitten bub!
RealMainer t1_ixkd3oh wrote
I'm seriously wondering if this is my old suv I just sold. Based on the facebook post it's the same beige color and year, and one of the things that was wrong with it when I sold it was that it badly needed a new muffler.
sp00pySquiddle t1_ixkl88s wrote
Thats awesome xD
eljefino t1_iy1luvv wrote
Did it have any blind spots?
Tacticalaxel t1_ixjqxh8 wrote
How long till someone steals the cat.
seaglassgirl04 t1_ixnfb53 wrote
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