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t1_ivfd0wf wrote

Nope, nope, fuck no. Just keep this time all year round. Much prefer daylight in the morning than in the afternoon. Who the fuck really needs light at 9PM in the summer?


t1_ivhmko7 wrote

Staying on this time all year would mean sunrise at 4:00am or earlier across most of the state in the summer. Obviously it’s personal preference, but I’d prefer light at 9:00pm over 4:00am.


t1_ivi6w14 wrote

Same here. With year-round standard time, the sun would set before 7pm except for a short window in June and July. Post-8pm sunsets are one of the nicest parts of summer in New England.


t1_ivhfidv wrote

People who don't get up early is my theory. I'd much rather not be driving to work in the pitch black