I am looking to clean out my tackle Boxes before I make the move to Maine . Are lead painted jig heads , lead weighted painted hooks ok to use ? I am giving away my bare lead to a friend but wanted to make sure before I do . Any information is appreciated.
tonyforeman t1_ivlbbds wrote
Fresh only
denvillekori t1_ivlx78c wrote
Don't use lead. It poisons whatever eats the fish (you know, like eagles).
tippydog90 t1_ivlzpl7 wrote
Don't use lead. It is extremely toxic and kills many eagles, waterfowl and poisons just about any species that ingests it. It is a pretty brutal death too. I am a wildlife and fisheries biologist and really wish lead fishing gear and lead shot were illegal. Leads to so much suffering.
tonyforeman t1_ivlzvoy wrote
Ok thank you for the honest answer . All lead will be left with friends . My guess is tungsten for replacement?
tonyforeman t1_ivm0hqy wrote
It seems confusing to me that is why I asked . I was able to get a qualified answer from a biologist . Thanks for your help anyway .
Guygan t1_ivm179j wrote
I googled “lead jigs maine” and got that link that sets out the Maine law.
Why do you need a biologist?
tonyforeman t1_ivm1bhu wrote
I didn’t but he or she was nice enough to expand on the reasons why not to use. Thanks for your help .
tippydog90 t1_ixoa2fu wrote
Sorry, I missed your question! Yes, tungsten and I think there are other non toxic alternatives as well. Honestly, it blows my mind that lead is still so widely permissable.
tonyforeman t1_ixoa5mc wrote
Thanks for responding. Happy thanksgiving
tippydog90 t1_ixoplct wrote
You too!!!
Guygan t1_ivlb9t8 wrote
Salt or fresh water?
A quick Google would have answered your question