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projectpat317 t1_ix3gk3o wrote

I'm a sign manufacturer and I don't like this sentiment. People pay me to make what they want. Are some stupid, yes but whatever floats their boat. I just make them, there should be no responsibility on my part, unless I was also hired to install and remove them, which we never are because it's a horrible idea to be a company and make political statements by installing political signs.

Support your local sign company!


ptmtp26 t1_ix3i0vv wrote

“But I don’t like the product people pay you to make! That makes it your fault! Damn you and everything you stand for!”

We all agree that they just end up in the garbage, but they serve a purpose in our republic. Pay the man/woman best suited for the task at hand and have a good day.


Antnee83 t1_ix3igi3 wrote

"But I make pointless shit! What about me?"

IDK dude go do something worthwhile. IDGAF
