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ZippittyDooBlah t1_iy0f8lm wrote

Reply to comment by CoastalSailing in NOAA be like by TheDeadPlant

Reading about how bountiful cod were 400 years ago is mind-boggling.


Bywater t1_iy1ad8j wrote

Overfishing and captialism are bro's.


fiddlersgreen2021 t1_iy1q6x3 wrote

The soviets had just as much do to with stocks collapsing as the the capitalists did.


Bywater t1_iy21uh0 wrote

Lol. There were still fish back when their were soviets, for sure they overfished but it was the last half century of capitalism that fucked the seas up beyond repair.


Mannymarlo t1_iy36zga wrote

No it’s the jews and pitbulls that are responsible


_Face t1_iy15ppb wrote

How about 40 years ago.


987nevertry t1_iy18573 wrote

So thickly plentiful that they impeded the travel of ships through the sea