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BentheBruiser t1_ixhqxie wrote

Bruh I literally put up new numbers by the road simply because DD can never find my house. I swear the effort some of y'all put in is non-existent. I have filled my special directions section with landmarks and ways to arrive and I still get calls almost every time.


thisoneagain t1_ixi633r wrote

Not in Maine, so normally I don't get issues with this, but a few weeks back I had the MOST amazing DD call. The driver pulled into an apartment complex. (I do not live in an apartment complex.) I could see on the map that she was slowly driving around in there, so I called and told her I wasn't in the complex. I told her when she pulled out to head TOWARDS a particular street. She opted instead to turn AWAY from that street without any comment, and it took a solid block and a half for her to understand what I was saying to her about that. Once she got it, she wanted me to tell her how to turn around. Once correctly oriented, she then proceeded to drive slo-o-o-owly past my building on her right looking earnestly to the left and in front of her only while I described her car to her asking if that was her. (Example dialog: Me (correctly): Are you in a jeep? A jeep SUV? Her: No. ... it's's black.) When she finally pulled up, she stopped right in the active road and proceeded to tip my whole order sideways so she could fit it out of the one-third opened driver's side window.


IndecisiveKitten t1_ixiyjxf wrote

Same, the GPS address for my building will take you to the back parking lot entrance of my building, but my entrance is the front/street side (the two sides are not connected and I have to walk outside in the dark all the way around the building) I fill in every possible address and special instructions spot with giant stars and capital letters and it's still delivered to the wrong entrance/complete other side of my building every damn time I swear