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momsequitur t1_ixjong5 wrote

In my experience, I place the order. I leave clear instructions where to leave it (the back deck, because I'm disabled, and my front door -- which has a lovely sign that says DELIVERIES IN BACK -- opens out, so anything placed on the steps will be knocked into the street by opening it.) I wait.

The order is eventually marked delivered. I check the spot where I asked that it be left. It's not there. It's not on the patio table by the gate, it's on the front step, which means I must now go out the back and around the house to retrieve the order.

Most of the time, by the time I get back inside, some part of the food packaging has begun to fail. My mud room carpet enjoyed my last overpriced chai from Panera.


Baphometwolf83 OP t1_ixkq8a8 wrote

I wont leave on step by door cause of this. I leave it near it but not where it will be knocked off