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andreq92 t1_j29c1w4 wrote

So you're not using a nicotine based vape then, just to confirm? It's entirely just flavourful?

Been smoking for 15 years friend, have tried to quit but realized, I don't want to yet. I enjoy it. Watched my parents and many friends try patches, try gum, try fucking hypnosis, but none of them worked. Until they decided they were done. Then, and only then, did they stop. Perhaps one day I'll reach that point too, but as of right now I just enjoy smoking too much. The act of it is soothing. Do you know how many people I've watched switch to vaping, to only end up doing both vape and cigarettes within a year? An appalling amount.

If you vape, unless it's pure flavour, you have no moral highground to stand on as you seem to feel you do. If you're vaping flavour carts, why not just buy gum? Much cheaper


LaChanz t1_j29d639 wrote

It worked for me. I smoked for 40 years and tried all those things you mentioned. I vaped, yes nicotine, and I quit smoking. About a year later I quit vaping.

It works.


andreq92 t1_j29dz6x wrote

I'm glad it worked for you. I have watched multiple people start vaping, only to end up doing both, so I guess it's up to the individual to make the decision!
