Submitted by sexy__waluigi t3_zwh1cv in Maine
dualstrombolifeast t1_j1umpko wrote
What county is this? Exquisite land
sexy__waluigi OP t1_j1uncr5 wrote
joftheinternet t1_j1uquoc wrote
A lovely homestead. and a lovely user name. You're an enviable person, /u/sexy__waluigi
dr_cl_aphra t1_j1urwvd wrote
boston_shua t1_j1uv9o5 wrote
r/cabinporn would love this
iThrewTheGlass t1_j1uw3no wrote
What if anything do yall farm? I'm inheriting some land up that way in a few years and would love to hear your thoughts. Beautiful land!
sexy__waluigi OP t1_j1uxbjl wrote
Thank you! Right now we are growing just what was already established by the original owner—which is A LOT! We were given a great head start and decided to let our first year be “wild” and see what was growing here without interference. As far as edibles, we have: a peach and a plum tree, two pear trees; raspberries, blackberries, blueberries; garlic; asparagus; and grapes! We also have an incredible assortment of perennials that are laid out in a way that we always have beautiful patches of flowers during each warm season and an inedible cherry tree.
We hope to eventually grow all the produce we need for our family of four, but my toddler eats berries faster than I ever imagine a human could. I’m growing sungold cherry tomatoes, spaghetti squash, and some bell peppers indoors experimentally this winter!
Fabulous-Opposite838 t1_j1v2eew wrote
Spirited_Meet_4817 t1_j1v7019 wrote
You need to have an Instagram or YouTube so we can continue to be inspired.
metametamind t1_j1v8hjv wrote
You forgot mud season. 😀
sexy__waluigi OP t1_j1v8m3g wrote
whispers They’re all mud season when you have a gravel driveway. 🥲
9wild9 t1_j1vger9 wrote
How long have you owned the property?
Many-Day8308 t1_j1vuw5g wrote
You picked the perfect weather for every picture! A view like that is nourishing to the soul
sexy__waluigi OP t1_j1w9ouh wrote
We’ve owned it for just over a year now.
9wild9 t1_j1wa3nb wrote
How many acres?
lama_drama99 t1_j1x85q9 wrote
I love this! My husband and I started our first garden this year, and we hunt as well. It's a great feeling growing and hunting for your food and being self-sufficient. We rent right now (we're young), but I can't wait until we have our own property! Such beautiful pictures
cheddar_ruffles t1_j1y9a9v wrote
Gorgeous pictures!
sexy__waluigi OP t1_j1yx4za wrote
4 acres
heklakatla t1_j1z85x6 wrote
Should you have aspirations for four-season output here
Scamhunter5171 t1_j20moa9 wrote
I have some friends in NH who have both a summer camp and a relatively new (to them) "dream home," and Selina often uses the phrase "little slice of heaven" for both places.
I bet you've used that phrase a time or two.
schillerstone t1_j1ujlqn wrote
Damn lovely.