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Maineguy1299 OP t1_j20qlya wrote

Discourages but has a set date to allow feeding them? Okay. Makes sense.


Tacticalaxel t1_j20s9n5 wrote

Yes. Discourages, but allows it. Except during hunting season, when it's used as bait. It can actually do more harm than not feeding them.


Maineguy1299 OP t1_j20skkk wrote

Could possibly, if done improperly.


Tacticalaxel t1_j20unvi wrote

Yes. Like feeding them kitchen scraps, potatoes, cabbage and lettuce trimmings. High sugar feed, like apples, should be introduced no later then early December, and you should be prepared to feed through February, and expect more deer in February than December. What is recommended is a complete dairy or deer feed in pelltized form. Everything you're looking to do is the improper way to do it.


Maineguy1299 OP t1_j20zoox wrote

So where did you get your degree? And what’s your profession? Never said I was going to be giving them strictly apples and only apples.


Tacticalaxel t1_j211duo wrote

Neither did I. You're here asking for apples and waste produce. I don't have a degree in Environmental science, but I can read the " Winter feeding of deer: What you need to know" pamphlet from MEIF&W.


Maineguy1299 OP t1_j2124l1 wrote

So what does it say about mixing in apples with grains, and oats? Funny my post never actually asked for an environmental science lesson.


Tacticalaxel t1_j213x40 wrote

God damn you're a dense motherfucker ain't you. What's got you so triggered that you can't handle any disagreement. Keep moving those fucking goalpost, eventually you'll wear people down and they'll stop responding to you and you'll "win" the argument.