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mlo9109 t1_j204xid wrote

I agree... However, I find myself laughing a bit here as I work remotely for a tech company based in NH while I live in Maine. The thing keeping me from moving to NH? Not wanting to pay $8-10K/year in property tax on a house I could get for the same price in Maine and pay 1/4 of that in property taxes.

Sure, cheap booze and no sales tax or state income tax would be nice along with proximity to Boston, but it's not worth budgeting 1/4 of my salary in property taxes IMHO. I'm looking at other locations out of state as I have family/work connections in Minnesota, and I could get more house for my money there.


metalandmeeples t1_j23mc3m wrote

Property taxes in NH aren't that different from Southern Maine. For example, Brunswick has a mill rate of 21.69. Dover, NH, which is a similarly sized town, has a mill rate of 21.70. Property assessments also seem to be very similar. Other parts of Maine are obviously different, but there are rural parts of NH too.