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AlternativeWay4729 t1_j1lqpwr wrote

I have good anecdotal evidence to suggest that climate ignorance in intergenerational. I'm an old fart (61) who spent most of my adult life researching and teaching about climate change and solutions at the college level. My young students only rarely got the message. Many met my work with open disdain. It was hard, uphill-stone-rolling work. I am happy to be retired now -- to my climate-proofed sustainable homestead, of course. If you haven't encountered climate denial among the young, you must be living in a pretty good bubble. I will say one more useful thing. If I ever tried to communicate about climate using only sarcasm and disdain, I made even less headway. As my generation says, "take a Quaalude, dude."


wormpussy OP t1_j1m0fdv wrote

I have experienced it and it makes me even more angry. Someone had to teach these kids to act this way, so the root cause is still past generations in my eyes.
