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oldncrusty68 t1_j1lkpwt wrote

Your anger is misguided in my opinion. As a child growing up in Maine there were few places we could swim that weren’t heavily polluted. Industry here just openly dumped chemicals straight into the water sheds. Vehicles belched visible pollution like you can’t imagine. I watched the previous generation make up nifty ways to dump used motor oil straight into the ground. We had large open pits where everything was thrown in together, household trash along with construction debris. I’m pretty proud of of how much better our generation has left the environment for you. Your welcome little one


MathematicianGlum880 t1_j1loidv wrote

I’m 62 and I don’t know anyone in and around my age who complains about the weather here in Maine. The saying has always been, don’t like the weather in Maine…wait a minute it will change. I see more young people come on this page and complain about us older people. Why is that we have to change…we’ve lived here our entire lives….it’s new people who need to get over themselves.


mymaineaccount46 t1_j1lpbhw wrote

Come on, it's Christmas for Christ's sake. There is no reason to be so angry and lash out like this.


RAP1958 t1_j1lqbc5 wrote

We've also seen our rivers go from toxic cesspool to recreational areas. We implemented the bottle bill which cleaned up our roadways. I was an environmentalists before you were born so I wish you would keep your ageism to yourself. So go get your iced latte in a "Plastic cup" and shut the fuck up!


AlternativeWay4729 t1_j1lqpwr wrote

I have good anecdotal evidence to suggest that climate ignorance in intergenerational. I'm an old fart (61) who spent most of my adult life researching and teaching about climate change and solutions at the college level. My young students only rarely got the message. Many met my work with open disdain. It was hard, uphill-stone-rolling work. I am happy to be retired now -- to my climate-proofed sustainable homestead, of course. If you haven't encountered climate denial among the young, you must be living in a pretty good bubble. I will say one more useful thing. If I ever tried to communicate about climate using only sarcasm and disdain, I made even less headway. As my generation says, "take a Quaalude, dude."


[deleted] t1_j1luej7 wrote

So you woke up today and decided to go after the older generation of a specific stare about your perceived view of their view of the weather . You should really sit back and think about that . Let’s just try and enjoy the day .


wormpussy OP t1_j1luy83 wrote

What’s there to enjoy? Should I go make a mud-man? Some mud-angels maybe? I haven’t been able to enjoy a wintery Christmas since I was a child, if I even decide to have children they will never be able to experience a white Christmas. If it wasn’t the generations before me that let this happen to the planet, then who exactly was it?


wormpussy OP t1_j1lvqym wrote

Thank you for cleaning up Maines environment. We are taught about the cleanups environmentalists from the past generations have done in school, or at least I was.

male fertility has been dropping 1% a year since the 70s thanks to micro plastic. I doubt many people are even looking at what it does to the other animals we share this planet with.

The entire globe is still absolutely fucked, and it’s more than just trash at this point. There are little to no prospects left for the younger generations, so our blame is placed on the older generations, that seemly let this all happen while the sirens were blaring in their faces.


ThankUJerry t1_j1lweb1 wrote

What, exactly, should an older Mainer have done about climate change?


Guygan t1_j1ly133 wrote

Weather and climate are not the same thing.


wormpussy OP t1_j1m03an wrote

I don’t drink coffee or use the plastics your generation forced on us. The pollutants and poison you’ve let the rich spew into the air and what we consume has demolished our fertility already, no need to make it even worse by adding more micro plastics. You know that stuff is generational right? Micro plastics are preset and affect male fertility for 3 generations. Do I have to mention leaded gas? It’s still being used today… I’m sure you’re well aware of what lead does to the brain.


wormpussy OP t1_j1m0trl wrote

You’re right, I’m the cause of all of this and no one is to blame.

“Don’t hold us accountable for the shithole of a planet that we left for you and your children to burn and suffer in, it’s all your fault, not mine!”


wormpussy OP t1_j1u7ub6 wrote

I hope you realize the suffering you have caused by ignoring these issues. You probably won’t though, no one here seems to understand the importance of this issue that YOU, and many others just like you, have perpetuated and let spiral out of control. It’s too late btw, we can’t fix this anymore, thanks to you people doing literally anything to prop up your failing, shitty economy. You have to understand there is no life for us to “get on” with, there is nothing. Thanks to you and the generations before you, you got yours, so we should just shut up and not complain that we have been left with nothing…? I hate you people so much. It’s so utterly disgusting that none of you even care either.


wormpussy OP t1_j1u8w7q wrote

“Whereas weather refers to short-term changes in the atmosphere, climate describes what the weather is like over a long period of time in a specific area. Different regions can have different climates. To describe the climate of a place, we might say what the temperatures are like during different seasons, how windy it usually is, or how much rain or snow typically falls.

When scientists talk about climate, they're often looking at averages of precipitation, temperature, humidity, sunshine, wind, and other measures of weather that occur over a long period in a particular place. In some instances, they might look at these averages over 30 years. And, we refer to these three-decade averages of weather observations as Climate Normals.”

They’re the same thing.

^ This really helps, you should try it.