Puff1012 OP t1_j1e8w3z wrote
I live 20 mins away from this road. I’ve driven it many a summer all my life. Seeing this is not only feels surreal, but it’s also a Reminder that this is Mother Natures territory and she can destroy us any time she likes.
IamSauerKraut t1_j1ebul5 wrote
This is our future.
badhmorrigan t1_j1ewo2p wrote
Whynotyours t1_j1f23gb wrote
Hope everyone’s houses are ok!
weakenedstrain t1_j1f2dz1 wrote
… and the future is now.
vtramfan t1_j1f6ltk wrote
She sure can and she might yet.
RockZors t1_j1f6qag wrote
Is that the only way out there? Do people live our there in the winter?
Puff1012 OP t1_j1f77f6 wrote
Winter renters might. My husband’s coworker has a family home that way.
Coffee-FlavoredSweat t1_j1f7ibi wrote
Someone save the lobster stew at Billy’s Chowder House!
DidDunMegasploded t1_j1f82hq wrote
Crazy. Reminds me of those underwater bridges. Only, y'know, those are man-made and not the byproduct of whoever pissed off Mother Nature this time...
ChazmasterG t1_j1f8u54 wrote
Yup! These people are going to have a hell of a time trying to sell these properties. They are going to be left holding a very soggy bag...
IamSauerKraut t1_j1f99wb wrote
Soggy Bagginses. Do they live in Underhill or somewhere else in The Shire?
IamSauerKraut t1_j1f9n7t wrote
Those photos of the angry sea around Portland Head are something else.
ChazmasterG t1_j1fa9rw wrote
About to be living underwater!
GoArmyNG t1_j1faqnz wrote
This is precisely why I want to live in the hills. With some effort and knowing what's what, I'll have everything I need right there. Plus high ground to keep my feet from getting wet.
weakenedstrain t1_j1fg93t wrote
F’realz. Especially when you consider just how high above the ocean that point is at low, or even normal high, tide.
ecco-domenica t1_j1fjfk7 wrote
There are several other roads that run parallel to this one down to the beach from Route 1. They're all closed & flooded too.
FleekAdjacent t1_j1fnelr wrote
Wait another 20 years and it will be lol
fuzzyfeathers t1_j1fp91q wrote
I've never seen this part flooded before and my mom used to take us hurricane watching out there all the time too
happyMLE t1_j1fw2tb wrote
I found (roughly) the same view on google maps if anyone else wants to compare.
Puff1012 OP t1_j1fyej1 wrote
And comparing the two is so surreal to me. I just drove on this road in September to help spread my grams’ ashes.
Themell t1_j1g38v4 wrote
I lived on that marsh, winter of 2014 on oxcart lane. It was miserable. Snow drift went up to my propane tank so it wouldn’t ignite. It cost about 2000$ to keep ‘em full. And we had a 9 foot snow drift that only a front loader could move. Shit sucked bud
PotLuckyPodcast t1_j1gr1tt wrote
As someone who lives on mile road, there were rocks all over the place and a car was stuck in the road until the tide went down. My brother couldn't get to work, so they closed early lol.
PotLuckyPodcast t1_j1gr4la wrote
Watching the sun set on the megamansions driving home on a summer evening is otherworldly
PotLuckyPodcast t1_j1gr7vm wrote
Yup! There was a line of cars in front of my house lined up to leave
OriginalGordol t1_j1gyxez wrote
Makes me wonder about Rt 1 through the Scarborough Marsh.
Johnnymaaaac t1_j1hbtij wrote
Where can I find those?
Excusemytootie t1_j1hy4qo wrote
Not if, but when…
IamSauerKraut t1_j1i4v2c wrote
Further up the sub.
Munrowo t1_j1invvl wrote
i wonder how biddeford pool held up
glasswings t1_j1llii2 wrote
At some point oceanfront property values will fall, flood insurance will be declared a "government teat for the lazy masses" or whatever.
Naturally that will happen after they run out of landlords and resort owners to bail out. So it'll be people who stick with their actual primary residence or who were pushed to the coast by poverty and falling property values.
The longer we delay means testing for the National Flood Insurance Program, the more of the wet bag will be passed to people who can't cope with it.
Evening_Pension5388 t1_j1e738v wrote
It’s crazy because even on a normal day this road feels super unsafe and like it’s going underwater.