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[deleted] t1_j1myswu wrote


TimothyOilypants t1_j1n0gig wrote

Yes, PLEASE, let's focus our criticism on the REAL problems like luminaries before we address lesser problems like PFAS contaminated septage, 21 tons of salt per mile of road each winter, >30,000 tons of nitrogen fertilizer annually, ad infinitum...

You got a good heart kid, but try pointing it in the right direction.


ChazmasterG t1_j1n69k5 wrote

Or ya know we could all just try our best to not be wasteful. Or an asshole...


TimothyOilypants t1_j1nrqkx wrote

You mean like shaming people for trying to milk some little fucking joy out of a holiday after 3 years of death and disease...

Paper: biodegradable. Cotton wick: Biodegradable. Wax: biodegradable. Sand: Inert. Aluminum dish: Inert.

What are we actually worried about here?! I would rather luminaries than electric Christmas lights strung together with 5 lbs of plastic...

If you're so sure luminaries are bad, make a case for it.

If you have a problem with paper bags I assume your washroom has 3 seashells?