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Guygan t1_j2fgc7z wrote

> if you can visit that area in January?

CAN you? Yes.

> Is anything closed around that area?

In January? Almost everything.


Unfair_Holiday_3549 OP t1_j2fh6s2 wrote

So I won't be able to drive to those outlooks near the coastline?


hike_me t1_j2fii9x wrote

The Ocean Drive section of park loop road is open. This goes by the iconic ANP spots of Sand Beach and Thunder Hole.

I live in Bar Harbor. Town was actually pretty vibrant today. Lots of people around. A small number of restaurants are open, and a few shops.


Unfair_Holiday_3549 OP t1_j2fju1h wrote

Okay, thanks. I see it's supposed to snow around the time I would go, but it shouldn't be too bad with all the rain you all are getting, right? I also have snow tires with studs, if that matters.


Guygan t1_j2fi1mz wrote

Call the chamber of commerce.
