Submitted by liquidoh2 t3_zrt0bz in Maine

This just happened this morning on a completely random Twitter tweet (not my account) I happened to run into a few minutes ago. For no reason whatsoever, they turn a completely innocuous question into a political attack - because, of course someone asking why produce is a problem at a specific grocery store would have to be a "libtard" in addition to an "idiot". They interact with the general public under their business name, openly, in this manner.... it's quite something.




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geomathMEW t1_j14h3eg wrote

hah i was waiting for a bus by larabee road in westbook a few months ago.

guy in a truck, with this company logo pulls up to the taco bell
he parks sideways across all the spots.
opens the truck door and just shoves tons and tons of trash out the drivers side door.
drives away


fLux3303 t1_j14j507 wrote

Absolute dogshit company, can we all put them on blast? Make their lives miserable


goldensurrender t1_j14jtod wrote

This is so terrible. I hired them a decade ago to move me out of my apartment and they were fine to deal with but I had no idea they were like this. This is really dumb on their part. Especially operating their business in a pretty "libtard" area.


xHospitalHorsex t1_j14naui wrote

I really wanna blow them up with bad reviews on Google, but people this insane are unpredictable. I can't risk them coming after me because they're q anon snowflake psychos.


fastIamnot t1_j14pjjm wrote

Now there's a business that I would trust to handle my personal possessions.

They were definitely triggered by the username - masked, millennial and in support of Ukraine.


baldpatchouli t1_j14q9t2 wrote

I saw one of their trucks stuck under a low-clearance bridge a few weeks ago.


svengoalie t1_j14qugf wrote

It's obviously a post by a liberal because of the Ukraine flags. Real Americans like Liberty Bell back Putin. /s


hamsterbong t1_j14r3pz wrote

I used to work for them. The owner is the biggest MAGA ass you can imagine. Big coke head. Married but always looking.


Starboard_Pete t1_j14sfgy wrote

I find it pretty telling that they are unusually offended by someone commenting on poor product quality at an unrelated business.

But, if they’re happy advertising their business in a way that ensures no “libtard” money will be coming in, and that their reputation remains poor in the area….well, good for them. Lol


_Schneebley t1_j14t5fh wrote

When you have a bone to pick with "libtards" that you go out of your way to defend SHAWS of all places.

What a loser.


9wild9 t1_j14twbe wrote

Could be a fake account meant to hurt their business? Happens on Twitter all day, everyday.


Doc_coletti t1_j14xcj6 wrote

They are the worst. Someone I know worked for them, said an alarming number of employees were snorting heroin.


feina635 t1_j14zsdt wrote

So liberty bell movers and Les Wilson and Sons, Check and check. Two unashamed MAGA supporters willing to show it in their businesses. Don’t support them, also probably shitty at their workmanship


DiscussionStatus4939 t1_j1503fh wrote

That’s why he can only keep the trashiest employees. Advancement on their paycheck in the form of hard drugs to the point that they owe him money the next pay cycle so they have to continue working for him to pay it off. Wash, rinse, repeat.


tdrummmm t1_j152hjo wrote

This guy also runs mainemaga dot com.

Would be crazy if someone were to run a whois lookup and find out his personal information because he's not bright enough to hide it.


GoArmyNG t1_j154e3v wrote

They have such bad PR and business skills. My parents live nearby and I pass their place of business on occasion. I used to deliver chinese food for extra money and was given shit for driving a hybrid. Like.... sorry, I happen to have a car that's particularly good on gas, which makes it perfect for a job where I have to drive a lot....


Plastic-Pension7263 t1_j1555iz wrote

Please can we review bomb them. Look at how they reply to google reviews. Absolutely insane.


GoArmyNG t1_j1599xj wrote

Yeah.... I try not to read them anymore. In fact, I try not to drive down that road anymore. I will not hire them for their services and won't interact with anyone involved with them if I can help it.


Rootedetchasketch t1_j15f2vt wrote

OP has 2 posts on a 5 year old account both trashing this company. Idk the company at all but it just seems a lil sus is all I'm saying.

Edit: sorry, 1 post and 1 comment.


ppitm t1_j15i4dc wrote

Mask and Ukraine flag. Like waving a red flag in front of a bull.


sledbelly t1_j15kml1 wrote

I wonder where the states lawsuit against this company is at.

Be a shame if they told them they could no longer operate.



OpenToGoodAdvice t1_j15l42t wrote

You should visit their Twitter page and just look through it, it's a whole collection of bullshit.


pinetreesgreen t1_j15s88r wrote

They have stuck stickers all over western Maine, eastern NH., stop signs, drive through windows, ect. So trashy.


saucytortillas t1_j15te4m wrote

Okay but honestly, why is shaws produce the worst? It’s true


0btuseMoose t1_j15wpif wrote

I'm pretty sure that Walmart has the worst produce.


Freeman0032 t1_j15ysal wrote

THAS SOME WRIED MARKETTING. also she's not a random she works at the PPH Weekly columnist for




CHENGhis-khan t1_j167l20 wrote

This sub is often like making the mistake of logging on to a doggie daycare stream and finding a large pack of dogs all try to fuck the same stuffed animal simultaneously.


Abject-Rich t1_j167u4h wrote

Si She/he has it bad? I gathered.


nhrunner87 t1_j16b0d6 wrote

Unsurprisingly, the people who lack the intelligence to ever retain or use proper grammar or spelling are frequently the ones that are convinced of their superiority to others. It’s the Dunning Kruger effect in action.


PORMEHThreePlay t1_j16i7al wrote

Ive had the displeasure of meeting this fuckwit. Cream of the MAGA shitpit.


DonkeyKongsVet t1_j16jl6a wrote

These guys are such idiots that you could talk about the Friday storm and theyd say "Stop complaining libtard be thankful we are finally getting much needed rain"


wzl46 t1_j16qchw wrote

They’re the ones with “Lib” in their business name. Ha ha! Got ‘em!


ViolentWeiner t1_j16surf wrote

Are they actively trying to tank their business?


KezarLake t1_j1734of wrote

Glad you posted this. I won’t be hiring them this spring to move over 5000 SF of my household items!


Baymavision t1_j18lpae wrote

It would be a damn shame if someone subscribed their email addresses to every porn site they could find...


dedoubt t1_j18mfkr wrote

>45% of the population

It's really not almost half of our total population, if you take into account how few people voted (the US population is about 330 million, and only 66% of the 240 million eligible actually voted) and how many of those voted republican (chump got 74,223,975 votes).

So.... About 25% of the population actually voted republican in 2020. They're just very loud about their views. I guess there are people who are MAGAs who didn't vote, so there might be more than 25% of the population who lean that way, but I really don't think almost half the country does.

Note - I'm extremely tired so my numbers might be off, but that's the number I keep running across.


WikiSummarizerBot t1_j18mx6u wrote

Trump derangement syndrome

>Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is a pejorative term usually for criticism or negative reactions to former United States President Donald Trump that are perceived to be irrational, and presumed to have little regard towards Trump's actual policy positions, or actions undertaken by his administration. The term has mainly been used by Trump supporters to discredit criticism of his actions, as a way of reframing the discussion by suggesting that his opponents are incapable of accurately perceiving the world. Politico co-founder John Harris wrote that TDS is related to gaslighting, "another psychological concept in vogue in the Trump era".

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Goblin_Green_Paint t1_j18qirj wrote

Can we have a mega thread on these people? I just looked at their Twitter account and holy shit it’s bad.


Pobunny t1_j18sz1e wrote

Not wanting rotten produce = Libtard idiot, got it.


liquidoh2 OP t1_j190ebs wrote

This is my throw-away-account. I am a past customer (of this very company) who was shafted on the actual day of our move. They never called to let us know they weren't going to arrive during their scheduled time. We - and our small band of family - waited half a day for them to show up. They made it sound like they have a roster full of moves planned for any given day so they gave us a window of time that was 4 to 6 hours long. We called a couple of times but no one answered so we figured they were busy with another customer. When the 4-6 hour window was gone and we were still left waiting we called until someone answered. What we experienced from this owner was nothing short of 'unprofessional' - and that's putting it lightly. They lied to us, swore at us, threatened us with legal .... stuff... that made ZERO legal sense... they never showed up and told us we were being unreasonable for being upset because they didn't have staff to do the job - as if that was OUR problem. They told us their website broke... ? We made the reservation, literally, months in advance. MONTHS. Their 'website broke'? Some of my family members work with 'websites' for a living and that line may work with people who don't understand how hosting works, or how e-commerce websites work, or how hosting redundancy works and how .. whatever else it takes to keep a WEBSITE running... works.... But WE? Aren't those people.

We were verbally attacked and threatened with - essentially - stalking type behaviors (they didn't stalk us because we didn't go public due to these threats). We researched them immediately after this verbal interaction and saw the insane amount of reviews against this company AND the responses they made public to the customers they treated so poorly, or didn't show up to, at all. The diatribes of legal threats from their "lawyer", the trashing on people they never even met because they didn't show up to do the job they were hired and paid in advance to do (so customers had to actively ask for a refund).

Am I posting this anonymously? YES. Absolutely, and you can 'get bent' if you think I'm wasting one single moment thinking I should do otherwise. This person is entirely unhinged and if you're here supporting them then that's on you.

I've posted far more than 1 or 2 posts with this throw-away account and this is also why it's been active for 5 years. I use it for crap like this, on occasion. I should never have to post this junk, but every now and again? The circumstance presents itself.


liquidoh2 OP t1_j193zq2 wrote

I'm sure it would be easier to believe this is a fake account, but.... it's not. It's a throw-away account I won't lose a single second of sleep over losing should I abandon it. It may, and probably does, happen on Twitter every single day. But there's also a heck of a lot of valuable discourse on Twitter, just like there is here.

I need to post this anonymously because this MAGA Elite "Most 'patriotic' guy in the house" is legitimately off his rocker and it has been made clear that calling him out publicly is actually - literally - UNSAFE. Leaving him a negative review brings more trouble to people than not and I don't care for the attention nor the waste of energy it takes to point this guy toward taking a long walk off the shortest pier in sight. But it IS worth taking the time to warn others, anonymously, that he's still out there looking for new unsuspecting 'customers' to make new victims out of. I'm not too politically charged a personality but this guy takes the cake. He really does. The things he said to my family were noteworthy.

I hope the lawsuit against this "patriot" brings him all the drama and excitement he's looking for. He certainly deserves it.

And if he's reading this - which I'm SURE he is - he should know... everyone IS looking at him... and FAR MORE people than just customers are itching to see him squirm. I doubt anyone cares 'exactly' what happens to him? So long as SOMETHING happens to him. Because he will know then, that everyone watching.... will know that THE AMERICAN JUSTICE SYSTEM is NOT on his side, deservingly so. He acts like driving around with symbols of national pride (and whatever other imagery he's toting around on the daily) and having words like "Liberty" in his business title make him MORE Patriotic than the next person. But in my personal view, treating each other with respect and dignity is a far more telling sign of Patriotism than, say... storming the Capitol building in a riot that resulted in deaths and severe prison terms, in addition to felony convictions, ever will. He spends all day flexing his mental illness like it's not a destructive force in his life - as if it's the only thing of importance he has to hold onto... as if NO ONE WOULD PAY ANY ATTENTION TO HIM if he wasn't "THAT GUY", so he becomes the loudest rube in the room and claims 'persecution' if you don't worship the ground he walks on. He needs to be held accountable. Legally. By the State. And we need to be able to watch it all unfold -- PUBLICLY. Because he deserves it. And so do the rest of us.


hamsterbong t1_j1a1l7e wrote

I know most of his dirty secrets. And the company's dirty secrets.

I used to work for the owner, ran his social media briefly too. This was years ago, before Trump. He was always a hot head, came in with a LA nose. Always had his stupid Jack Russel terriers running around the building, pissing and shitting everywhere.

If I were vengeful, I could probably take the whole company down and have most of the management brought up on charges. Given all the illegal shit that happens there daily.

But, he seems to be doing a good job on his own.


hamsterbong t1_j1xzulx wrote

He probably still has a meth lab in the basement of his Mallison Falls building. Located in a semi-secret room beneath the basement bathroom, accessible through a large metal door in the floor.

Also, on the top floor of the main Mallison Falls building, he is growing Coca plants. He likely has a small processing operation for them to fuel his cocaine habit.

I know he violates the labor laws like crazy. His building is full of blind spots and security issues. None of the stuff he stores there is protected from environmental hazards. And I've seen workers rifle through stored shit time and time again.