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MrsBeansAppleSnaps t1_j2bs00g wrote

Did you and do you strain the system? Did you go to school and use the roads and sewers? What a disgusting attitude, all too common on this sub honestly.

And LOL saying there are too many people here. This is the most rural state in the nation bub, move to Saskatchewan if you think there are too many people here.


ptmtp26 t1_j2bt1k4 wrote

Or, maybe we’ll convince a few transplants to leave. That’s a significantly better option. Not like we want them here anyway.


MrsBeansAppleSnaps t1_j2ca2id wrote

Yeah you're right let's Just get rid of that pesky freedom of movement between states thing.


ptmtp26 t1_j2cc5ge wrote

Right, because that’s what I said.

Sounds like you’re butt hurt enough you might just be ready to jump back to where you came from. God we could only hope.


HarryBawlz-1 t1_j2ee3d8 wrote

Why do so many Mainers have a problem with people not born and raised in Maine? Just curious, not trying to pick a fight.